ICTopic (Discontinued)



Please note that we have announced end of sale for Cordova SDK. It is no longer offered as a standard Webex Connect capability.

This class exposes Real-Time Messaging topic data that is used to publish outgoing messages or subscribe to receive incoming messages.


This method is used to retrieve the date on which a topic is created.

Syntax: Date getCreatedAt()

Return Value: Returns the date on which the topic is created.


This method is used to get topic Id.

Syntax: String getId()

Return Value: Returns the Id for the Topic.


This method is used to get the topic title.

Syntax: String getTitle()

Return Value: Returns the topic title.


This method is used to get the topic’s group.

Syntax: String getGroup()

Return Value: Returns the topic's group.


This method is used to verify whether the current user is subscribed to the topic.

Syntax: Boolean isSubscribed()

Return Value: Returns true if the current user is subscribed to the topic.


This method is used to get the topic name.

Syntax: String getName()

Return Value: Returns the topic name.