
Version 1.5.8

Release Date: June 2024

New Features

  • Introduced the publishTypingIndicator method to allow sending of special typing indicator messages.


  • Resolved an issue where the flag indicating ongoing registration didn't reset as intended when the registration failed.

Version 1.5.7

Release Date: February 2024

New Features

  • Support for Firebase version 10

Version 1.5.6

Release Date: December 2023


  • Fixed an issue where the reference parameter could not be sent back to the Connect platform through form responses.

Version 1.5.5

New Features

  • Support for Firebase version 9.17.2


  • Various internal improvements and enhancements

Version 1.5.4

New Features

  • Introduced the fetchThread method to fetch the thread data for a given thread Id.
  • Added support for sending acknowledgment for Thread Update Event


  • Various internal improvements and enhancements

Version 1.5.3


  • Fixed an issue where setMessagesAsRead

Version 1.5.2


  • Removed duplicate values from input array for set message status method
  • Various internal improvements and enhancements

Version 1.5.1


  • Introduced handling for deduplication of Register/UnRegister API calls sent to platform
  • Improved error code handling
  • Various internal improvements and enhancements

Version 1.4.0

New Features

  • Introduced the Quick Reply message type to provide support for quick replies within in-app messaging.
  • Introduced the Generic Template message type to provide support for generic templates within in-app messaging.
  • Support for publishing postback event and click receipts to platform.


  • Various internal improvements and enhancements.

Version 1.3.0

New Features

  • Introduced auto generation of SDK configuration files which are automatically included in the SDK package when using the Download button from the Webex Connect app asset configuration page.
  • Introduced the ‘Form’ message type to provide support for forms within in-app messaging.
  • Introduced a new parameter to pass the reason for closing a chat when calling the close thread method.   Introduced the deleteMessage method which deletes an in-app message by transaction id.
  • Introduced new attributes to the response callback when uploading files to expose the preview and URL.
  • Introduced handling for deduplication of incoming in app messages.
  • MessageStatus is now available as an enumeration on the ICMessage object.
  • Removed an check that prevented publishMessage from executing unless there was an active broker connection.


  • Various internal improvements and enhancements

Version 1.2.1

This version of the JS SDK requires that devices are re-registered with the Webex Connect platform in order for access tokens to be issued.

If upgrading from a previous version of SDK, please ensure that you execute your registration code again. The imi.imiconnect.isRegistered() method is queried to determine the current registration status and conditionally execute your registration code.


  • Fixed of issue of getting an error when users already registered with older version of JS SDK upgrade to the latest SDK version``.

Version 1.2.0

New Features

  • Added support for fetchThreads, fetchMessages, fetchUnreadThreadCount, getSDKVersion methods .

Version 1.1

New Features

  • Added support to specify the asset folder and root folder path
  • Added missing properties.

Enhancements and Improvements

  • Added property message.getOutgoing() & message.setOutgoing()
  • Allowed republished message on originating device
  • Now returning title on Thread in callback of createThread.