Core UI (Discontinued)



Please note that we have announced end of sale for Android UI SDK. It is no longer offered as a standard Webex Connect capability.

The Webex Connect UI SDK for Android builds on the message transport capabilities exposed within the Core SDK through a collection of customizable user interface components. These components may be used to easily integrate a fully-featured rich messaging capability within a host application.

This document serves as a reference and details all of the public classes, interfaces, and methods.

New Classes and APIs are added to UI SDK to support message transport capabilities within the Core SDK through a collection of customizable user interface components

The details of all of the public classes, interfaces, and methods are available in the sections that follow. Also, see the Quick Start Guide.


The following table lists all the packages along with their descriptions:

com.imimobile.connect.uiThe root-level package; contains base UI and SDK, initialization classes.
The following packages have the root package name removed for brevity.
.conversationContains UI components for displaying and interacting within a conversation
.conversation.composerContains classes used to display a message composer UI.
.conversation.composer.pluginsIt contains plugin classes use to support attachments within the composer.
.conversation.fragmentsIt contains pre-built fragments for displaying a conversation and conversations list.
.dataContains data classes
.data.messagepartContains data classes that represent parts of a message
.enumsContains enumerations
.inboxContains classes used to display messages in an inbox style UI
.interfacesContains various interfaces
.utilsContains utility classes
.views.partviewsContains base UI classes used to display message parts.
.views.partviews.locationIt contains UI classes for displaying location attachments.
.views.partviews.mediaIt contains a base UI class for displaying media attachments. contains UI classes for displaying audio attachments. contains UI classes for displaying arbitrary file attachments. contains UI classes for displaying image attachments. contains UI classes for displaying video attachments.
.views.partviews.textIt contains UI classes for displaying the textual parts of a message.
.views.partviews.urlIt contains UI classes for displaying URL attachments.


- imiconnectUI
- ICUIConfig
- ICMessageViewStyle
- ICMessageRecyclerView
- ICMessageViewHolder
- ICMessageViewFactory
- ICMessageGroupHeaderViewHolder
- ICMessageDataProvider
- ICMessageRecyclerView.ICMessageClickListener
- ICMessageRecyclerView.ICMessageMenuHandler


This class handles the initialization of the SDK.

Public Methods


This method initializes the SDK for use. This variant must be called to initialize the SDK before any other features may be used.

  Syntax: void startup(android.content.Context context, ICUIConfig config, ICUIStartupCallback callback)


contextcontent.ContextA valid Application Context
configICUIConfigA valid ICUIConfig instance which configures aspects of the SDK startup
callbackICUIStartupCallbackUsed to notify startup success, may be null



When using download at runtime Emoji support, you should always implement the callback and use UI components until startup is complete.


This method provides a means to shut down the SDK and performs cleanup, after this method is called, none of the SDK features will work

  Syntax: void shutdown(com.imimobile.connect.core.callbacks.ICShutdownCallback callback)


callbackcom.imimobile.connect.core.callbacks.ICShutdownCallbackUsed to notify shutdown success, may be null


This method is used to verify whether the SDK has started or not.

  Syntax: boolean isStarted()

Return value: Returns a value to indicate whether the SDK is started or not.


This method is used to retrieves/check the SDK build version.

  Syntax: String getSDKVersion()

Return value: Returns the SDK build version.


This class represents the methods for SDK configuration.

ICUIConfig (Constructor)

This method is used to initialize an ICUIConfig instance with a fileProviderAuthority.

  Syntax: ICUIConfig(@NonNull String fileProviderAuthority)


fileProviderAuthorityStringfile provider Authority


This method is used to verify the download Emoji value, true or false.

Syntax: boolean isDownloadEmoji()

Return value: Returns true if Emoji download is true, false otherwise.


This method is used to set the download Emoji value.

  Syntax: void setDownloadEmoji(boolean downloadEmoji)


downloadEmojiBooleanSet the value of downloadEmoji


This method returns FileProviderAuthority.

  Syntax: String getFileProviderAuthority()

Return value: Returns the FileProviderAuthority.


This class provides style attributes that are utilized by ICInboxRecyclerView and ICConversationRecyclerView for customization of individual message view components.


This method sets the message background resource id.

  Syntax: void setBackgroundResource(int resId)


resIdIntbackground resource id for message


This method sets the message text color.

  Syntax: void setTextColor(int color)


colorintcolor of message text


This method sets the message text link color.

  Syntax: void setTextLinkColor(int textLinkColor)


textLinkColorinttext link color


This method sets the message text size.

  Syntax: void setTextSize(float size)


sizefloatSize of the text


This method sets the message text typeface.

  Syntax: void setTextTypeface(Typeface typeface)


ParameterTypeDescription of message text


This method sets the message margin.

  Syntax: void setMargin(int left, int right)

leftintLeft margin of message
rightintRight margin of message


This method sets the message gravity.

  Syntax: void setGravity(int gravity)


gravityintgravity for message


This method sets the message gravity.

  Syntax: getGravity()

  Return value: Returns gravity for message.


This method is used to get the Background resource Id for the message.

  Syntax: int getBackgroundResource()

  Returns value: Returns background resource Id for the message.


This method is used to get the text color for the message.

  Syntax: int getTextColor()

  Return value: Returns the message text color value in the form of 0xAARRGGBB.


This method is used to get the Text link color for the message.

  Syntax: int getTextLinkColor()

  Return value: Return message text link color value in the form of 0xAARRGGBB


This method is used to get the Text Size for the message.

  Syntax: float getTextSize()

  Return value: returns text size for Message


This method is used to get the Text typeface for message.

  Syntax: Typeface getTextTypeface()

  Return value: Returns text typeface for Message. Must be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)


This method is used to get the margin Left for the message.

  Syntax: int getMarginLeft()

  Return value: Returns margin left value for message


This method is used to get the margin-right for the message.

  Syntax: int getMarginLeft()

  Return value: Returns margin right value for message


This method is used to get the Corner radius for the message.

  Syntax: int getCornerRadius()

  Return value: Returns Corner radius value for message


This method set the Corner radius value

  Syntax: int getCornerRadius()


cornerRadiusintCorner radius value for message


This method is used to get the background color for the message.

  Syntax: getBackgroundColor()

  Return value:** Returns background color for message


This method sets the background color for the message.

  Syntax: void setBackgroundColor(int backgroundColor)


backgroundColorintbackground color for message


This method is used to get the Time Text size for the message.

  Syntax: int getTimeTextSize()

  Return value: Returns Time Text size value for message


This method sets Time Text size for the message

  Syntax: void setTimeTextSize(int timeTextSize)


timeTextSizeintTime Text size value for message


This method is used to get the Time Text Color for the message.

  Syntax: int getTimeTextColor()

  Return value: Returns Time Text Color value for message in the form of 0xAARRGGBB


This method sets the Time Text color for message.

  Syntax: void setTimeTextColor(int timeTextColor)


timeTextColorintTime Text color value for message in the form of 0xAARRGGBB


Syntax: public int getAvatarWidth()

This method used to get the Avatar width

Returns : Avatar width


Syntax: public int getAvatarHeight()

This method used to get the Avatar Height

Returns : Avatar Height


Syntax: public void setAvatarSize(int width, int height)

This method used to set the Avatar width and Height


widthavatar width
heightavatar height


Syntax: public ImageView.ScaleType getAvatarScaleType()

This method used to get the Avatar scaleType

Returns : Avatar scale type


Syntax: public void setAvatarScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType scaleType)

This method used to set the Avatar image scale type

Parameters: scaleType - avatar scale Type


This class has the responsibility to obtain its data through ICMessageDataProvider and uses ICMessageViewHolder instances to display the data.

Public Constructors
public ICMessageRecyclerView(Context context)
public ICMessageRecyclerView(Context context,AttributeSet attrs)
public ICMessageRecyclerView(Context context,AttributeSet attrs,int defStyle)


This method is used to create a message Adapter instance.

Syntax: protected ICMessageRecyclerView.MessageAdapter createMessageAdapter()
Return value: returns message adapter


This method is used to Initialize the message recycler View

Syntax: protected void init()


This method sets an object which implements ICMessageMenuHandler interface to listen menu build and menu Item click callbacks

Syntax: void setMessageMenuHandler(ICMessageRecyclerView.ICMessageMenuHandler menuBuilder)


menuBuilderICMessageRecyclerView.ICMessageMenuHandlermenu handler listener


protected createPopupMenu(int adapterPosition,

ICMessageViewHolder holder)


public void registerMessageClickListener(ICMessageRecyclerView.ICMessageClickListener)

This method allows registering an object which implements the
ICMessageClickListener interface to listen for Message click listener.


listener - message click Listener


public void unregisterMessageClickListener(ICMessageRecyclerView.ICMessageClickListener)

This method allows unregistering a previously registered object which implements
the ICMessageClickListener interface, to stop listening for Message
click listener.


listener - message click Listener


public void setAdapter( adapter)


setAdapter in class


protected void onVisibilityChanged(View changedView,

int visibility)

Automatically refresh on resume


onVisibilityChanged in class View


public void refresh()

This method refreshes this adapter based on data set changed


public void registerPartViewFactories(ICMessagePartViewFactory[] factories)

This method register partView factories to be handled by this message Recycler


factories - Array of partView factories to be registered


public void unregisterPartViewFactories(ICMessagePartViewFactory[] factories)

This method unregister partView factories for this message Recycler View


factories - Array of partView factories to be registered


public void setMessageProvider(T provider) throws ICException

This method sets message provider which implements ICMessageDataProvider


provider - message data provider




public T getMessageProvider()

This method returns message data provider


returns the message data provider


public void setMessageViewFactory(ICMessageViewFactory<[V]> factory)

This method sets Message View factory object which inherits from


factory – messageViewFactory

setMessageViewStyle - Deprecated

public void setMessageViewStyle(ICMessageViewStyle myStyle, ICMessageViewStyle theirStyle)

This method sets message view styles for my Messages and Their Messages


myStyle - my message style

theirStyle - their Message style

setUnreadMessageViewStyle - Deprecated

public void setUnreadMessageViewStyle(ICMessageViewStyle unreadStyle)

This method sets message view style for unRead Messages


unreadStyle - unRead message style

setAlertMessageViewStyle - Deprecated

public void setAlertMessageViewStyle(ICMessageViewStyle style)

This method sets alert message view style


style - Alert Message style


public void setAvatars(Bitmap myAvatar, Bitmap theirAvatar)

This method set an avatar for my Message and Their Message


myAvatar - avatar for my message

theirAvatar - avatar for their message

getMyMessageViewStyle - Deprecated

protected ICMessageViewStyle getMyMessageViewStyle()

This method returns my message view style


returns my message view style

getTheirMessageViewStyle - Deprecated

protected ICMessageViewStyle getTheirMessageViewStyle()

This method returns its message view style.


returns their message view style

getUnreadMessageViewStyle - Deprecated

protected ICMessageViewStyle getUnreadMessageViewStyle()

This method returns the unread message view style.


returns Unread message view style

getAlertMessageViewStyle - Deprecated

protected ICMessageViewStyle getAlertMessageViewStyle()

This method returns the alert message view style.


returns Alert message view style


This abstract class binds the ICMessageData and applies the ICMessageViewStyle to message views.


This method binds the avatar to the message view holder.

  Syntax: void bindAvatar(Bitmap avatar)


avatarbitmapavatar bitmap


This method binds message parts to the respective message part view holder.

  Syntax: void bindMessage(ICMessageData messageData, ICMessagePart[] messageParts)

messageDatacom.imimobile.connect.core.messaging.ICMessageData messageDataICMessageData
messagePartscom.imimobile.connect.core.messaging.ICMessageData messageDataan array of message parts


This method sets the message view style to message view holder.

  Syntax: void setMessageViewStyle(ICMessageViewStyle style)


styleICMessageViewStyleMessage view style


This method returns the message part container view holder.

  Syntax: abstract ICMessagePartContainerViewHolder getPartContainerViewHolder()

  Return value: Returns message part container view holder


This method returns the message view holder.

  Syntax: android.view.View getView()

  Return value: Returns a view object for message view holder.


This factory has the responsibility to create all the message views that will be displayed in the conversation.


This method used to get message Group Header View type

  Syntax: long getMessageGroupHeaderViewType(ICMessageGroup group)


groupICMessageGroupmessage group

  Return value: Returns message Group Header View type


This method is used to create the message group header view holder.

  Syntax: abstract ICMessageGroupHeaderViewHolder createMessageGroupHeaderView(android.view.ViewGroup parent, long viewType)


parentandroid.view.ViewGroupparent viewgroup
viewTypelongview type

  Return value: Returns Message group Header View holder object.


This method is used to get the message view identifier based on message parts and factory map.

  Syntax: getMessageViewIdentifier(ICMessageData messageData, ICMessagePart[] messageParts, java.util.Map<String,ICMessagePartViewFactory> factoryMap)


messageDataICMessageDatamessage data from adapter position
messagePartsICMessagePart[]message parts from data provider
factoryMapjava.util.Map<String,ICMessagePartViewFactory>message partview factory map

  Return value: Returns the message Group Header View type.


This method is used to create a message view holder.

  Syntax: createMessageView(android.view.ViewGroup parent, String identifier, java.util.List<ICMessagePartViewFactory> factoryList)


parentandroid.view.ViewGroupparent view group
identifierStringmessage view identifier
factoryListListmessage part view factory list

  Return value: Returns created message view holder.


This method is used to create part views. Message part views are added to the message part container view holder.

  Syntax: createPartViews(ICMessageViewHolder<T> messageViewHolder, String identifier,java.util.List<ICMessagePartViewFactory> factoryList)


messageViewHolderICMessageViewHolderimplementation of message view holder
identifierStringmessage view identifier
factoryListICMessagePartViewFactorymessage part view factory map


Syntax: public ICMessageViewFactory(Context context)

Parameters : context – A valid application context


This class binds message group details into the message group view.


This method binds message group details.

  Syntax: void bindMessageGroup(ICMessageGroup messageGroup)


messageGroupICMessageGroupmessage group details


This method returns the message group header view.

  Syntax: View getView()

  Return value: Returns message group view.


This class provides an interface to obtain message data for displaying it in ICMessageViewHolder instances.


This abstract method is used to get the message group.

  Syntax: abstract ICMessageGroup getMessageGroup(int position)


positionIntmessage adapter position

  Return value: Returns message group view.


This abstract method is used to get the message count from the message data provider.

  Syntax: abstract int getMessageCount()

  Return value: Returns the message count from message data provider.


This abstract method is used to get message data details from message data provider

  Syntax: abstract ICMessageData getMessageData(int position)


positionintmessage adapter position

  Return value: Returns MessageData details from the message data provider.


This method is used to get message parts from message details passed.

  Syntax: ICMessagePart[] getMessageParts(ICMessageData message)


messageICMessageDatamessage data

  Return value: Returns array of message parts from message data.


This method deletes the message from the data provider based on the position.

  Syntax: abstract boolean deleteMessage(int position)


positionIntPosition of the message

  Return value: Returns true if message deletion is successful , false otherwise.


This method notifies any registered observers that the data set has changed.

  Syntax: void notifyDataSetChanged()


This method allows registering an object that implements the ICDataSetObserver interface to listen for dataset changes in the message data provider.

  Syntax: registerObserver(ICDataSetObserver observer)


observerICDataSetObserverDataSet observer Listener


This method allows unregistering a previously registered object which implements the ICDataSetObserver interface, in order to stop listening for DataSet changes in the Message data provider.

  Syntax: unregisterObserver(ICDataSetObserver observer)


observerICDataSetObserverDataSet observer Listener


This interface defines a callback to be invoked when a message view is clicked.


This method will be invoked when the message click event happened

  Syntax: `boolean onMessageClick(int position)``

positionintmessage position

  Return value: Returns True if the listener has consumed the message click event, false otherwise.


This method is invoked when the message long-click event occurs.

  Syntax: `boolean onMessageLongClick(int position)``

positionintmessage position

  Return value: True if the listener has consumed the message long-click event, false otherwise.


This interface definition to be invoked to listen menu build and menu item click callbacks.


This method is used to callback upon pop-up menu build.

  Syntax: PopupMenu onBuildMenu( popupMenu,int adapterPosition,android.view.View anchor)

ParameterTypeDescroption new pop-up menu
adapterPositionintmessage adapter position
anchorandroid.view.Viewanchor view

  Return value: Returns a pop-up menu.


This method is invoked when a menu item is clicked.

  Syntax: boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem menuItem)

menuItemMenuItemThe menu item that was clicked


- ICConversationActivity
- ICConversationCategory
- ICConversationMessageViewFactory
- ICConversationMessageViewHolder
- ICConversationRecyclerView
- ICMessageDisplayedListener
- ICRetryClickListener


This activity leverages the functionality of the lower-level components and provides necessary wiring to combine them into a fully-featured in-app chat experience with minimal code.

The activity supports the display of the user conversation list and provides a means to open them or create new conversations. Select a conversation to display the conversation view and allow users to read, compose, and send messages.


This component requires that a valid ICMessageStore instance is set within the Core SDK by calling ICMessaging.setMessageStore.

Modes of Operation

Depending on how the activity is started, there are two distinct modes of operation. Each mode is provided to cover different usage scenarios.

The standard mode of operation presents the conversation listing and allows the user to open an existing conversation or create a new one.

Alternatively, the activity may be started to display a specific conversation directly. This is useful when you need to take your user directly to a specific conversation. Perhaps they have navigated to another area within your application, or even to another application, starting with a conversation id allows you to take your user back to the conversation.

Adaptive Layout

The layout of the activity adapts to the device display, typically when running on a phone the activity will display the conversation list full screen when a conversation is displayed this replaces the conversation list display. Navigating back from the conversation will cause the conversation list to be re-displayed.

When running on a wide layout (greater than 700dp in landscape), the layout is split into two sections. The conversation list is shown on the left and the active conversation is shown on the right.

Launching the Activity

The activity provides two helper methods to start the activity in each of the supported modes of operation.


This method starts the activity to display a specific conversation.

  Syntax: void start(Context context, String conversationId, Bundle extArgs)


contextAndroid context
conversationIdConversation Id
extArgsBundle with extra arguments

Starts the activity to display a list of conversations.

  Syntax: void start(Context context, ArrayList<ICConversationCategory> categories,ICCustomerDetails customerDetails, Bundle extArgs)


contextAndroid context
categoriesconversation categories
customerDetailscustomer details object
extArgsBundle with extra arguments


The activity may be customized to match the look and feel of your application. This is accomplished by setting styling attributes via XML.

To style the activity you must first declare styles that inherit from the default styles provided by the SDK and specify these custom styles within your app theme. Internally, the activity leverages the ICConversationsFragment and ICConversationFragment. Refer to their styling sections for further information.


Organizations typically have multiple contact points to which a customer might be directed depending on the query. Conversation categories provide the means to drive users to the correct contact point.

The information contained in an ICConversationCategory instance is also used to establish the correct communication stream for a conversation. Within Webex Connect, real-time messages are sent over a stream. The stream is used to direct messages to the correct service to process the message.


Property Description
Title A user-friendly title
Image A bitmap object representing the category
Sub-categories An array list of sub categories


public ICConversationCategory(java.lang.String title, imageUri)
public ICConversationCategory(java.lang.String title,
java.util.ArrayList subCategories, imageUri)



This method is used to get uri to an image representing the category, which must be a local uri.

  Syntax: ` getImageUri()``

  Return Value: Returns a uri to an image representing the category, which must be a local uri.


This method is used to get uri to an image representing the category, which must be a local uri.

  Syntax: getImageUri()


Style attributes

NameDescriptionExampleSupported Values
categoryTextColorColor of the text for category textEx: @color/default_text_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
categoryTextSizeSize of the text for category textEx: @dimen/default_text_sizeMay be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).
ategoryTextTypefaceTypeface of the text for category textEx: normalMust be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)
categoryTextStyleStyle of the text for category textEx: normalMust be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values bold(1),italic(2),normal(0).


Style attributes

NameDescriptionExampleSupported Values
backgroundResourceBackground resource for quick reply viewEx: @ drawable/default_ backgroundDrawable reference. If not specified, backgroundColor is used instead
backgroundColorBackground color for quick reply viewEx: @ color /default_background_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb","#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
marginStartThe start margin for quick reply viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
marginEndThe end margin for quick reply viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
textColorColor of text for quick reply viewEx: @color/default_text_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
textSizeSize of text for quick reply viewEx: @dimen/default_text_sizeMay be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).
textTypefaceTypeface of text for quick reply viewEx: normalMust be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)
textTypefaceStyleStyle of the text for quick reply viewEx: normalMust be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values bold(1),italic(2),normal(0)
textGravityGravity of text for quick reply viewEx: center_verticalMust be one of the following constant values top, bottom, left, right, center_vertical, fill_vertical, center_horizontal, fill_horizontal, center, fill, clip_vertical, clip_horizontal, start, end
textMarginLeftLeft margin of text for quick reply viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
textMarginRightRight margin of text for quick reply viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
imageGravityGravity of image for quick reply viewEx: center_verticalMust be one of the following constant values top, bottom, left, right, center_vertical, fill_vertical, center_horizontal, fill_horizontal, center, fill, clip_vertical, clip_horizontal, start, end
imageMaxWidthMax width of image for quick reply viewEx: 38dpA dimension value
imageMaxHeightMax height of image for quick reply viewEx: 38dpA dimension value
imageScaleTypeScale type of image for quick reply viewEx: centerInsideMust be one of the following constant values viewMatrix(0), fitXY(1), fitStart(2), fitCenter(3), fitEnd(4), center(5), centerCrop(6), centerInside(7)
imageMarginLeftLeft margin of image for quick reply viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
imageMarginRightRight margin of image for quick reply viewEx: 4dpA dimension value


Style attributes

NameDescriptionExampleSupported Values
backgroundResourceBackground resource for form part viewEx: @ drawable/default_ backgroundDrawable reference. If not specified, backgroundColor is used instead
backgroundColorBackground color for form part viewEx: @ color /default_ background_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
titleTextColorColor of text for form part view titleEx: @color/default_text_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
titleTextSizeSize of text for form part view titleEx: @dimen/default_text_sizeMay be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).
titleTextTypefaceTypeface of text for form part view titleEx: normalMust be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)
titleTextTypefaceStyleStyle of the text for form part view titleEx: normalMust be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values bold(1),italic(2),normal(0)
titleTextAlignmentAlignment of text for form part view titleEx: centerMust be one of the following constant values inherit(0), gravity(1), textStart(2), textEnd(3), center(4), viewStart(5), viewEnd(6)
titleMarginBottomBottom margin for form part view titleEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleMarginLeftLeft margin for form part view titleEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleMarginRightRight margin for form part view titleEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleMarginTopTop margin for form part view titleEx: 4dpA dimension value
submitBackgroundResourceBackground resource for form part view submit buttonEx: @ drawable/default_ backgroundDrawable reference.
Background tint color for form part view submit buttonEx: @ color /default_ background_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
submitTextColorColor of text for form part view submit buttonEx: @color/default_text_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
submitTextSize Size of text for form part view submit buttonEx: @dimen/default_text_sizeMay be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).
submitTextTypeface Typeface of text for form part view submit buttonEx: normalMust be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)
submitTextTypefaceStyle Style of the text for form part view submit buttonEx: normalMust be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values bold(1),italic(2),normal(0)
submitTextAlignment Alignment of text for form part view submit buttonEx: centerMust be one of the following constant values inherit(0), gravity(1), textStart(2), textEnd(3), center(4), viewStart (5), viewEnd(6)
submitMarginBottom Bottom margin for form part view submit buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
submitMarginLeft Left margin for form part view submit buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
submitMarginRight Right margin for form part view submit buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
submitMarginTop Top margin for form part view submit buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
marginBottom Bottom margin for form part viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
marginLeft Left margin for form part viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
marginRight Right margin for form part viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
marginTop Top margin for form part viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
textColor Color of text for form part viewEx: @color/default_text_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
textSize Size of text for form part viewEx: @dimen/default_text_sizeMay be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).
textTypeface Typeface of text for form part viewEx: normalMust be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)
textTypefaceStyle Style of the text for form part viewEx: normalMust be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values bold(1),italic(2),normal(0)
labelTextColor Color of text for form part view labelEx: @color/default_text_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
labelTextSize Size of text for form part view labelEx: @dimen/default_text_sizeMay be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).
labelTextTypeface Typeface of text for form part view labelEx: normalMust be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)
labelTextTypefaceStyle Style of the text for form part view labelEx: normalMust be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values bold(1),italic(2),normal(0)
labelMarginBottom Bottom margin for form part view labelEx: 4dpA dimension value
labelMarginLeftLeft margin for form part viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
labelMarginRightRight margin for form part view labelEx: 4dpA dimension value
labelMarginTop Top margin for form part view labelEx: 4dpA dimension value
errorTextColor Color of text for form part view errorEx: Ex: @color/deMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb",
fault_text_color "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb"
errorTextSize Size of text for form part view errorEx: @dimen/default_text_sizeMay be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).
errorTextTypeface Typeface of text for form part view errorEx: normalMust be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)
errorTextTypefaceStyle Style of the text for form part view errorEx: normalMust be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values bold(1),italic(2),normal(0)
errorMarginBottom Bottom margin for form part view errorEx: 4dpA dimension value
errorMarginLeftLeft margin for form part view labelEx: 4dpA dimension value
errorMarginRightRight margin for form part view errorEx: 4dpA dimension value
errorMarginTop Top margin for form part view errorEx: 4dpA dimension value


Style attributes

NameDescriptionExampleSupported Values
backgroundResourceBackground resource for form multiselect dialogEx: @ drawable/default_backgroundDrawable reference. If not specified, backgroundColor is used instead
backgroundColorBackground color for form multiselect dialogEx: @ color /default_background_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
marginBottomBottom margin for form multiselect dialogEx: 4dpA dimension value
marginLeftLeft margin for form multiselectEx: 4dpA dimension value
marginRightRight margin for form multiselectEx: 4dpA dimension value
marginTopTop margin for form multiselect dialogEx: 4dpA dimension value
paddingBottomBottom padding for form multiselect dialogEx: 4dpA dimension value
paddingLeftLeft padding for form multiselect dialogEx: 4dpA dimension value
paddingRightRight padding for form multiselect dialogEx: 4dpA dimension value
paddingTopTop padding for form multiselect dialogEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleTextColorColor of text for form multiselect dialog titleEx: @color/default_text_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
titleTextSizeSize of text for form multiselect dialog titleEx: @dimen/default_text_sizeMay be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).
titleTextTypefaceTypeface of text for form multiselect dialog titleEx: normalMust be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)
titleTextTypefaceStyleStyle of the text for form multiselect dialog titleEx: normalMust be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values bold(1),italic(2),normal(0)
titleTextAlignmentAlignment of text for form multiselect dialog titleEx: centerMust be one of the following constant values inherit(0), gravity(1), textStart(2), textEnd(3), center(4), viewStart (5), viewEnd(6)
titleMarginBottomBottom margin for form multiselect dialog titleEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleMarginLeftLeft margin for form multiselect dialog titleEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleMarginRightRight margin for form multiselect dialog titleEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleMarginTopTop margin for form multiselect dialog titleEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleTextMaxLinesMax lines of text for form multiselect dialog titleEx: 3A integer value
primaryButtonHeightHeight for form multiselect dialog primary buttonEx: 40dpA dimension value
primaryButtonBackgroundResourceBackground resource for form multiselect dialog primary buttonEx: @ drawable/default_backgroundDrawable reference.
primaryButtonTextColorColor of text for form multiselect dialog primary buttonEx: @color/default_text_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
primaryButtonTextSizeSize of text for form multiselect dialog primary buttonEx: @dimen/default_text_sizeMay be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).
primaryButtonTextTypefaceTypeface of text for form multiselect dialog primary buttonEx: normalMust be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)
primaryButtonTextTypefaceStyleStyle of the text for form multiselect dialog primary buttonMust be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values bold(1),italic(2),normal(0)Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values bold(1),italic(2),normal(0)Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values bold(1),italic(2),normal(0)
primaryButtonTextAlignmentAlignment of text for form multiselect dialog primary buttonEx: centerMust be one of the following constant values inherit(0), gravity(1), textStart(2), textEnd(3), center(4), viewStart (5), viewEnd(6)
primaryButtonMarginBottom Bottom margin for form multiselect dialog primary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
primaryButtonMarginLeftLeft margin for form multiselect dialog primary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
primaryButtonMarginRight Right margin for form multiselect dialog primary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
primaryButtonMarginTopTop margin for form multiselect dialog primary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
primaryButtonTextAllCaps All caps of text for form multiselect dialog primary button Ex: falseA bool value
secondaryButtonHeight Height for form multiselect dialog secondary buttonEx: 40dpA dimension value
secondaryButtonBackgroundResource Background resource for form multiselect dialog secondary buttonEx: @ drawable/default_backgroundDrawable reference.
secondaryButtonTextColor Color of text for form multiselect dialog secondary buttonEx: @color/deMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb",
fault_text_color "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
secondaryButtonTextSize Size of text for form multiselect dialog secondary buttonEx: @dimen/default_text_sizeMay be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).
secondaryButtonTextTypeface Typeface of text for form multiselect dialog secondary buttonEx: normalMust be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)
secondaryButtonTextTypefaceStyle Style of the text for form multiselect dialog secondary buttonEx: normalMust be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values bold(1),italic(2),normal(0)
secondaryButtonTextAlignment Alignment of text for form multiselect dialog secondary buttonEx: centerMust be one of the following constant values inherit(0), gravity(1), textStart(2), textEnd(3), center(4), viewStart (5), viewEnd(6)
secondaryButtonMarginBottom Bottom margin for form multiselect dialog secondary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
secondaryButtonMarginLeft Left margin for form multiselect dialog secondary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
secondaryButtonMarginRightRight margin for form multiselect dialog secondary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
secondaryButtonMarginTop Top margin for form multiselect dialog secondary button Ex: 4dpA dimension value
secondaryButtonTextAllCaps All caps of text for form multiselect dialog secondary buttonEx: falseA bool value
itemTextColor Color of text for form multiselect dialog item textEx: @color/default_text_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
itemTextSize Size of text for form multiselect dialog item textEx: @dimen/default_text_sizeMay be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).
itemTextTypeface Typeface of text for form multiselect dialog item textEx: normalMust be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)
itemTextTypefaceStyle Style of the text for form multiselect dialog item textEx: normalMust be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values bold(1),italic(2),normal(0)
itemTextAlignment Alignment of text for form multiselect dialog item textEx: centerMust be one of the following constant values inherit(0), gravity(1), textStart(2), textEnd(3), center(4), viewStart (5), viewEnd(6)
itemTextMarginBottomBottom margin for form multiselect dialog item textEx: 4dpA dimension value
itemTextMarginLeft Left margin for form multiselect dialog item textEx: 4dpA dimension value
itemTextMarginRight Right margin for form multiselect dialog item textEx: 4dpA dimension value
itemTextMarginTopTop margin for form multiselect dialog item textEx: 4dpA dimension valueA dimension value
itemCheckMarkResource Check-Mark resource for form multiselect item check-markEx:@drawable/multiselect_dialog_item_checkboxDrawable reference.
Bottom margin for form multiselect item check-markEx: 2dpA dimension value
Left margin for form multiselect item check-markEx: 2dpA dimension value
itemCheckMarkMargin Right Right margin for form multiselect item check-markEx: 2dpA dimension value
Top margin for form multiselect item check-markEx: 2dpA dimension value


Style attributes

NameDescriptionExampleSupported Values
backgroundResourceBackground resource for generic template part viewEx: @drawable/default_backgroundDrawable reference. If not specified, backgroundColor is used instead
backgroundColorBackground color for generic template part viewEx: @ color /default_background_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
marginBottomBottom margin for generic template part viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
marginLeftLeft margin for generic template part viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
marginRightRight margin for generic template part viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
marginTopTop margin for generic template part viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
paddingBottomBottom padding for generic template part viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
paddingLeftLeft padding for generic template part viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
paddingRightRight padding for generic template part viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
paddingTopTop padding for generic template part viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
genericTemplateElementViewStyleThe style for generic template element viewEx: @style/ICGenericTemplateElementViewStyleICGenericTemplateElementViewStyle
genericTemplateElementDetailsStyleThe style for generic template element detailsEx: @style/ICGenericTemplateElementDetailsStyleICGenericTemplateElementDetailsStyle


Style attributes

NameDescriptionExampleSupported Values
widthWidth for generic template element viewEx: 212dpA dimension value
heightHeight for generic template element viewEx: 294dpA dimension value
backgroundColorBackground color for generic template element viewEx: @ color /default_ background_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb"
foregroundResourceForeground resource for generic template element viewEx: @drawable/default_foDrawable reference
cornerRadiusRadius of corner for generic template element viewEx: 8dpA dimension value
marginBottomBottom margin for generic template element viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
marginLeftLeft margin for generic template element viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
marginRightRight margin for generic template element viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
marginTopTop margin for generic template element viewEx: 4dpA dimension value
paddingBottomBottom padding for generic template element viewEx: 0dpA dimension value
paddingLeftLeft padding for generic template element viewEx: 0dpA dimension value
paddingRightRight padding for generic template element viewEx: 0dpA dimension value
paddingTopTop padding for generic template element viewEx: 0dpA dimension value
imageScaleTypeScale type of image for generic template element viewEx: centerCropMust be one of the following constant values viewMatrix(0), fitXY(1), fitStart(2), fitCenter(3), fitEnd(4), center(5), centerCrop(6), centerInside(7)
titleBackgroundColorBackground color for generic template element view titleEx: @color/default_backgroudMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
titleBackgroundPaddingBottomBottom padding for generic template element view titleEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleBackgroundPaddingLeftLeft padding for generic template element view titleEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleBackgroundPaddingRightRight padding for generic template element view titleEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleBackgroundPaddingTopTop padding for generic template element view titleEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleTextColorColor of text for generic template element view titleEx: @color/default_text_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
titleTextSizeSize of text for generic template element view titleEx: @dimen/default_text_sizeMay be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).
titleTextTypefaceTypeface of text for generic template element view titleEx: normalMust be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)
titleTextTypefaceStyleStyle of the text for generic template element view titleEx: normalMust be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values bold(1),italic(2),normal(0)
titleTextAlignmentAlignment of text for generic template element view titleEx: centerMust be one of the following constant values inherit(0), gravity(1), textStart(2), textEnd(3), center(4), viewStart (5), viewEnd(6)
titleMarginBottomBottom margin for generic template element view titleEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleMarginLeftLeft margin for generic template element view titleEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleMarginRightRight margin for generic template element view titleEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleMarginTopTop margin for generic template element view titleEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleTextMaxLinesMax lines of text for generic template element view titleEx: 3A integer value
subTitleTextColorColor of text for generic template element view subtitleEx: @color/default_text_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
subTitleTextSizeSize of text for generic template element view subtitleEx: @dimen/default_text_sizeMay be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).
subTitleTextTypefaceTypeface of text for generic template element view subtitleEx: normalMust be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)
subTitleTextTypefaceStyleStyle of the text for generic template element view subtitleEx: normalMust be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values bold(1),italic(2),normal(0)
subTitleTextAlignmentAlignment of text for generic template element view subtitleEx: centerMust be one of the following constant values inherit(0), gravity(1), textStart(2), textEnd(3), center(4), viewStart(5), viewEnd(6)
subTitleMarginBottomBottom margin for generic template element view subtitleEx: 4dpA dimension value
subTitleMarginLeftLeft margin for generic template element view subtitleEx: 4dpA dimension value
subTitleMarginRightRight margin for generic template element view subtitleEx: 4dpA dimension value
subTitleMarginTopTop margin for generic template element view subtitleEx: 4dpA dimension value
subTitleTextMaxLinesMax lines of text for generic template element view subtitleEx: 3A integer value
moreButtonWidthWidth for generic template element view more buttonEx: 32dpA dimension value
moreButtonHeightHeight for generic template element view more buttonEx: 32dpA dimension value
moreButtonImageResourceImage resource for generic template element view more buttonEx: @ drawable/default_imageDrawable reference
moreButtonMarginBottomBottom margin for generic template element view more buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
moreButtonMarginLeftLeft margin for generic template element view more buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
moreButtonMarginRightRight margin for generic template element view more buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
moreButtonMarginTopTop margin for generic template element view more buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
primaryButtonHeightHeight for generic template element view primary buttonEx: 40dpA dimension value
primaryButtonBackgroundResourceBackground resource for generic template element view primary buttonEx: @ drawable/default_backgroundDrawable reference.
primaryButtonTextColorColor of text for generic template element view primary buttonEx: @color/default_text_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
primaryButtonTextSizeSize of text for generic template element view primary buttonEx: @dimen/default_text_sizeMay be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).
primaryButtonTextTypeface Typeface of text for generic template element view primary buttonEx: normalMust be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)
primaryButtonTextTypefaceStyle Style of the text for generic template element view primary buttonEx: normalMust be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values bold(1),italic(2),normal(0)
primaryButtonTextAlignment Alignment of text for generic template element view primary button Ex: centerMust be one of the following constant values
inherit(0), gravity(1), textStart(2), textEnd(3), center(4), viewStart (5), viewEnd(6)
primaryButtonMarginBottom Bottom margin for generic template element view primary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
primaryButtonMarginLeftLeft margin for generic template element view primary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
primaryButtonMarginRightRight margin for generic template element view primary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
primaryButtonMarginTop Top margin for generic template element view primary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
primaryButtonTextAllCaps All caps of text for generic template element view primary buttonEx: falseA bool value
secondaryButtonHeight Height for generic template element view secondary buttonEx: 40dpA dimension value
secondaryButtonBackgroundResource Background resource for generic template element view secondary buttonEx: @ drawable/default_backgroundDrawable reference.
secondaryButtonTextColor Color of text for generic template element view secondary buttonEx: @color/default_text_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
secondaryButtonTextSizeSize of text for generic template element view secondary buttonEx: @dimen/default_text_sizeMay be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).
secondaryButtonTextTypeface Typeface of text for generic template element view secondary buttonEx: normalMust be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)
secondaryButtonTextTypefaceStyleStyle of the text for generic template element view secondary buttonEx: normalMust be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values bold(1),italic(2),normal(0)
secondaryButtonTextAlignment Alignment of text for generic template element view secondary buttonEx: centerMust be one of the following constant values inherit(0), gravity(1), textStart(2), textEnd(3), center(4), viewStart (5), viewEnd(6)
secondaryButtonMarginBottom Bottom margin for generic template element view secondary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
secondaryButtonMarginLeftLeft margin for generic template element view secondary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
secondaryButtonMarginRightRight margin for generic template element view secondary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
secondaryButtonMarginTopTop margin for generic template element view secondary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
secondaryButtonTextAllCaps All caps of text for generic template element view secondary buttonEx: falseA bool value


Style attributes

NameDescriptionExampleSupported Values
backgroundResourceBackground resource for generic template element details viewEx: @drawable/default_backgroundDrawable reference
backgroundColorBackground color for generic template element details viewEx: @color /default_ background_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
titleBarHeightWidth for generic template element details title bar viewEx: 80dpA dimension value
closeButtonWidthHeight for generic template element details close buttonEx: 44dpA dimension value
closeButtonHeightWidth for generic template element details close buttonEx: 44dpA dimension value
closeButtonMarginBottomBottom margin for generic template element details close buttonEx: 8dpA dimension value
closeButtonMarginLeftLeft margin for generic template element details close buttonEx: 8dpA dimension value
closeButtonMarginRightRight margin for generic template element details close buttonEx: 8dpA dimension value
closeButtonMarginTopTop margin for generic template element details close buttonEx: 8dpA dimension value
closeButtonImageResourceImage resource for generic template element details close buttonEx: @drawable/default_imageDrawable reference
imageBackgroundColorBackground color for generic template element details imageEx: @color/default_backgroudMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
imageMarginBottomBottom margin for generic template element details imageEx: 4dpA dimension value
imageMarginLeftLeft margin for generic template element details imageEx: 4dpA dimension value
imageMarginRightRight margin for generic template element details imageEx: 4dpA dimension value
imageMarginTopTop margin for generic template element details imageEx: 4dpA dimension value
imageScaleTypeScale type for generic template element details imageEx: fitCenterMust be one of the following constant values viewMatrix(0), fitXY(1), fitStart(2), fitCenter(3), fitEnd(4), center(5), centerCrop(6), centerInside(7)
imageDotIndicatorMarginBottomBottom margin for generic template element details dot indicatorEx: 4dpA dimension value
imageDotInicatorMarginLeftLeft margin for generic template element details dot indicatorEx: 4dpA dimension value
imageDotIndicatorMarginRightRight margin for generic template element details dot indicatorEx: 4dpA dimension value
imageDotIndicatorMarginTopTop margin for generic template element details dot indicatorEx: 4dpA dimension value
imageDotIndicatorColorColor for generic template element details dot indicatorEx: @color/default_indicator_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
imageDotIndicatorCornerRadiusRadius of corner for generic template element details dot indicatorEx: 4dpA dimension value
imageDotIndicatorSizeSize for generic template element details dot indicatorEx: 18dpA dimension value
imageDotIndicatorSpacingSpacing for generic template element details dot indicatorEx: 5dpA dimension value
imageDotIndicatorStrokeColorStroke color for generic template element details dot indicatorEx: @color/default _colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
imageDotIndicatorStrokeWidthStroke width for generic template element details dot indicatorEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleTextColorColor of text for generic template element details titleEx: @color/default_text_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
titleTextSizeSize of text for generic template element details titleEx: @dimen/default_text_sizeMay be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).
titleTextTypefaceTypeface of text for generic template element details titleEx: normalMust be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)
titleTextAlignmentAlignment of text for generic template element details titleEx: centerMust be one of the following constant values inherit(0), gravity(1), textStart(2), textEnd(3), center(4), viewStart (5), viewEnd(6)
titleMarginBottomBottom margin for generic template element details titleEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleMarginLeftLeft margin for generic template element details titleEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleMarginRightRight margin for generic template element details titleEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleMarginTopTop margin for generic template element details titleEx: 4dpA dimension value
titleTextMaxLinesMax lines of text for generic template element details titleEx: 3A integer value
subTitleTextColorColor of text for generic template element details subtitleEx: @color/default_text_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
subTitleTextSizeSize of text for generic template element details subtitleEx: @dimen/default_text_sizeMay be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).
subTitleTextTypefaceTypeface of text for generic template element details subtitleEx: normalMust be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)
subTitleTextTypefaceStyleStyle of the text for generic template element details subtitleEx: normalMust be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values bold(1),italic(2),normal(0)
subTitleTextAlignmentAlignment of text for generic template element details subtitleEx: centerMust be one of the following constant values inherit(0), gravity(1), textStart(2), textEnd(3), center(4), viewStart (5), viewEnd(6)
subTitleMarginBottomBottom margin for generic template element details subtitleEx: 4dpA dimension value
subTitleMarginLeftLeft margin for generic template element details subtitleEx: 4dpA dimension value
subTitleMarginRightRight margin for generic template element details subtitleEx: 4dpA dimension value
subTitleMarginTopTop margin for generic template element details subtitleEx: 4dpA dimension value
subTitleTextMaxLinesMax lines of text for generic template element details subtitleEx: 3A integer value
subTitleTextLineSpacingExtraLine spacing extra of text for generic template element details subtitleEx: 40dpA dimension value
primaryButtonHeightHeight for generic template element details primary buttonEx: 40dpA dimension value
primaryButtonBackgroundResourceBackground resource for generic template element details primary buttonEx: @ drawable/default_backgroundDrawable reference.
primaryButtonTextColorColor of text for generic template element details primary buttonEx: @color/default_text_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
primaryButtonTextSizeSize of text for generic template element details primary buttonEx: @dimen/default_text_sizeMay be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).
primaryButtonTextTypefaceTypeface of text for generic template element details primary buttonEx: normalMust be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)
primaryButtonTextTypefaceStyleStyle of the text for generic template element details primary buttonEx: normalMust be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values bold(1),italic(2),normal(0)
primaryButtonTextAlignmentAlignment of text for generic template element details primary buttonEx: centerMust be one of the following constant values inherit(0), gravity(1), textStart(2), textEnd(3), center(4), viewStart (5), viewEnd(6)
primaryButtonMarginBottomBottom margin for generic template element details primary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
primaryButtonMarginLeftLeft margin for generic template element details primary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
primaryButtonMarginRightRight margin for generic template element details primary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
primaryButtonMarginTopTop margin for generic template element details primary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
primaryButtonTextAllCapsAll caps of text for generic template element details primary buttonEx: falseA bool value
secondaryButtonHeightHeight for generic template element details secondary buttonEx: 40dpA dimension value
secondaryButtonTextColorColor of text for generic template element details secondary buttonEx: @color/default_text_colorMay be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
secondaryButtonTextSizeSize of text for generic template element details secondary buttonEx: @dimen/default_text_sizeMay be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).
secondaryButtonTextTypefaceTypeface of text for generic template element details secondary buttonEx: normalMust be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)
secondaryButtonTextTypefaceStyleStyle of the text for generic template element details secondary buttonEx: normalMust be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values bold(1),italic(2),normal(0)
secondaryButtonTextAlignmentAlignment of text for generic template element details secondary buttonEx: centerMust be one of the following constant values inherit(0), gravity(1), textStart(2), textEnd(3), center(4), viewStart (5), viewEnd(6)
secondaryButtonMarginBottomBottom margin for generic template element details secondary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
secondaryButtonMarginLeftLeft margin for generic template element details secondary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
secondaryButtonMarginRightRight margin for generic template element details secondary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
secondaryButtonMarginTopTop margin for generic template element details secondary buttonEx: 4dpA dimension value
secondaryButtonTextAllCapsAll caps of text for generic template element details secondary buttonEx: falseA bool value