Data Streams - Apple Messages for Business

Contains the payloads and descriptions for Inbound, Outbound, and Delivery Receipts for Apple Messages for Business.

Apple Messages for Business - Inbound Message

The following are the Apple Messages for Business inbound message payloads.

  "attachments": "",
  "capabilities": "",
  "channel": "AppleBusinessChat",
  "abcAccountId": "93XXXX0b-0XX0-4XXb-aXXd-37fXXXXXXX4d",
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "serviceId": “12345”,
      "serviceName": "My New Service",
      "flowId": “54321”,
      "flowName": “Sample Flow",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "bizIntentId": "",
  "type": "text",
  "message": "AMB start node Data stream checks ",
  "locale": "en_IN",
  "tid": "234XXXXX-dXXX-4XXX-9XXX-c4bXXXXXXX20",
  "x-wx-gtrid": "d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9",
  "abcUserId": "urn:mbidTc=",
  "datetime": "2024-03-28T21:21:03.763+05:30",
  "bizGroupId": "",
  "deviceAgent": "",
  "capabilityList": "AUTH%2CLIST%2CTIME%2CFORM%2CQUICK%2CAUTH2",
  "appId": "a_15984XXXXXXXXXX260",
  "requestIdentifier": "",
  "event": "MO",
  "ts": "2024-03-28T21:21:03.763+05:30",
  "timestamp": "2024-03-28T15:51:03.763Z"
  "attachments": "[{\"size\":\"27654\",\"name\":\"ms-6BPndN.jpeg\",\"mimeType\":\"image/jpeg\",\"type\":\"image\",\"url\":\"\"}]",
  "capabilities": "",
  "timezone": "",
  "channel": "AppleBusinessChat",
  "abcAccountId": "93XXXX0b-0XX0-4XXb-aXXd-37fXXXXXXX4d",
  "datePicker": "",
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "check": "Data stream LP/TP start node",
      "serviceId": “12345”,
      "serviceName": "AMB_MultipleUsersAsset",
      "flowId": “54321”,
      "flowName": "AMB_ListpickerResponseMultipleUser",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "bizIntentId": "",
  "type": "text",
  "message": " ",
  "locale": "en_IN",
  "listPicker": "",
  "tid": "234XXXXX-dXXX-4XXX-9XXX-c4bXXXXXXX20",
  "x-wx-gtrid": "d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9",
  "abcUserId": "Dummy Data",
  "datetime": "2024-03-28T21:21:03.763+05:30",
  "bizGroupId": "",
  "deviceAgent": "",
  "capabilityList": "AUTH%2CLIST%2CTIME%2CFORM%2CQUICK%2CAUTH2",
  "appId": "a_15984XXXXXXXXXX260",
  "requestIdentifier": "",
  "event": "InteractiveResponse",
  "ts": "2024-03-28T21:21:03.763+05:30",
  "timestamp": "2024-03-28T15:51:03.763Z"
  "attachments": "",
  "capabilities": "",
  "timezone": "",
  "channel": "AppleBusinessChat",
  "abcAccountId": "93XXXX0b-0XX0-4XXb-aXXd-37fXXXXXXX4d",
  "datePicker": "",
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "check": "Data stream LP/TP start node",
      "serviceId": "32763",
      "serviceName": "AMB_MultipleUsersAsset",
      "flowId": “12345”,
      "flowName": "AMB_TimepickerResponseMultipleUser",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "bizIntentId": "",
  "type": "time_picker_response",
  "message": "",
  "locale": "en_IN",
  "listPicker": "",
  "tid": "234XXXXX-dXXX-4XXX-9XXX-c4bXXXXXXX20",
  "x-wx-gtrid": “Dummy Data”,
  "datetime": "2024-03-28T22:00:40.004+05:30",
  "bizGroupId": "",
  "deviceAgent": "",
  "capabilityList": "AUTH%2CLIST%2CTIME%2CFORM%2CQUICK%2CAUTH2",
  "appId": "a_15984XXXXXXXXXX26",
  "requestIdentifier": "21XXXXc4-3XXc-bXX5-4XX1-36XXXXXXXXd21",
  "ts": "2024-03-28T22:00:40.004+05:30"
  "capabilities": "",
  "authenticateStatus": "",
  "timezone": "",
  "channel": "AppleBusinessChat",
  "abcAccountId": "93XXXX0b-0XX0-4XXb-aXXd-37fXXXXXXX4d",
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "send node1": "send node1 value",
      "serviceId": “12345”,
      "serviceName": "AMB_MultipleUsersAsset",
      "flowId": “54321”,
      "flowName": "AMBClassicalAuth",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "type": "classical_auth_response",
  "tid": "234XXXXX-dXXX-4XXX-9XXX-c4bXXXXXXX20",
  "x-wx-gtrid": “Dummy Data“,
  "abcUserId": "Dummy Data",
  "deviceAgent": "",
  "capabilityList": "AUTH%2CLIST%2CTIME%2CFORM%2CQUICK%2CAUTH2",
  "appId": "a_15984XXXXXXXXXX260",
  "authenticateToken": "",
  "requestIdentifier": "21XXXXc4-3XXc-bXX5-4XX1-36XXXXXXXXd21",
  "event": "AuthenticationResponse",
  "ts": "2024-04-26T12:30:20.234+05:30"
  "authenticateStatus": "success",
  "timezone": "2024-04-01T16:07:33.485Z",
  "channel": "AppleBusinessChat",
  "abcAccountId": "93XXXX0b-0XX0-4XXb-aXXd-37fXXXXXXX4d",
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "check": "DS start node Auth",
      "serviceId": “12345”,
      "serviceName": "AMB_MultipleUsersAsset",
      "flowId": “54321”,
      "flowName": "AMBAuthentcation",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "type": "new_auth_response",
  "tid": "234XXXXX-dXXX-4XXX-9XXX-c4bXXXXXXX20",
 "x-wx-gtrid": "d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9",
  "abcUserId": “Dummy Data,
  "datetime": "2024-04-01T21:37:33.485+05:30",
  "deviceAgent": "",
  "capabilityList": "AUTH%2CLIST%2CTIME%2CFORM%2CQUICK%2CAUTH2",
  "appId": "a_15984XXXXXXXXXX260", 
  "authenticateToken": "AQWLx",
  "requestIdentifier": "21XXXXc4-3XXc-bXX5-4XX1-36XXXXXXXXd21",
  "event": "NewAuthenticationResponse",
  "ts": "2024-04-01T21:37:33.485+05:30"
  "capabilities": "",
  "timezone": "",
  "channel": "AppleBusinessChat",
  "abcAccountId": "93XXXX0b-0XX0-4XXb-aXXd-37fXXXXXXX4d",
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "check": "Data stream check in start node AMB  QR",
      "serviceId": “12345”,
      "serviceName": "AMB_MultipleUsersAsset",
      "flowId": “54321”,
      "flowName": "AMB_QRResponseMultipleUser",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "bizIntentId": "",
  "type": "interactive",
  "locale": "en_IN",
  "tid": "234XXXXX-dXXX-4XXX-9XXX-c4bXXXXXXX20",
 "x-wx-gtrid": "d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9",
  "abcUserId": “Dummy Data”,
  "datetime": "2024-04-01T14:58:57.070+05:30",
  "bizGroupId": "",
  "deviceAgent": "",
  "capabilityList": "AUTH%2CLIST%2CTIME%2CFORM%2CQUICK%2CAUTH2",
  "appId": "a_15984XXXXXXXXXX260",
  "requestIdentifier": "21XXXXc4-3XXc-bXX5-4XX1-36XXXXXXXXd21",
  "quickreplies": "",
  "event": "QuickReplyResponse",
  "ts": "2024-04-01T14:58:57.070+05:30"

  "channel": "AppleBusinessChat",
  "abcAccountId": "93XXXX0b-0XX0-4XXb-aXXd-37fXXXXXXX4d",
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "check": "AMB Form Response Start node",
      "serviceId": “12345”,
      "serviceName": "AMB_MultipleUsersAsset",
      "flowId": “54321”,
      "flowName": "AMBFormResponseMultipleUsers",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "type": "form_response",
  "locale": "en_IN",
  "tid": "234XXXXX-dXXX-4XXX-9XXX-c4bXXXXXXX20",
 "x-wx-gtrid": "d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9",
  "abcUserId": “Dummy Data”,
  "datetime": "2024-04-01T16:05:03.001+05:30",
  "deviceAgent": "",
  "capabilityList": "AUTH%2CLIST%2CTIME%2CFORM%2CQUICK%2CAUTH2",
  "appId": "a_15984XXXXXXXXXX260",
  "requestIdentifier": "21XXXXc4-3XXc-bXX5-4XX1-36XXXXXXXXd21",
  "event": "FormResponse",
  "ts": "2024-04-01T16:05:03.001+05:30",
  "formResponse": ""
  "attachments": "",
  "timezone": "2024-04-01T15:24:50.581Z",
  "channel": "AppleBusinessChat",
  "abcAccountId": "93XXXX0b-0XX0-4XXb-aXXd-37fXXXXXXX4d",
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "check": "Data stream Start node iMessage",
      "serviceId": “12345,
      "serviceName": "AMB_MultipleUsersAsset",
      "flowId": “54321”,
      "flowName": "AMBiMessageResponseMultiUser",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "type": "imessage_app_response",
  "tid": "234XXXXX-dXXX-4XXX-9XXX-c4bXXXXXXX20",
  "x-wx-gtrid": "d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9",
  "abcUserId": “Dummy Data,
  "datetime": "2024-04-01T20:54:50.581+05:30",
  "deviceAgent": "",
  "capabilityList": "AUTH%2CLIST%2CTIME%2CFORM%2CQUICK%2CAUTH2",
  "appId": "a_15984XXXXXXXXXX260",
  "event": "iMessageAppResponse",
  "bid": "",
  "ts": "2024-04-01T20:54:50.581+05:30"

  "capabilities": "",
  "timezone": "2024-04-25T18:52:33.947Z",
  "channel": "AppleBusinessChat",
  "abcAccountId": "93XXXX0b-0XX0-4XXb-aXXd-37fXXXXXXX4d",
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "send node1": "send node1 value",
      "serviceId": “12345”,
      "serviceName": "AMB_MultipleUsersAsset",
      "flowId": “5”4321,
      "flowName": "AMBTyping",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "type": "typing_start",
  ""tid": "234XXXXX-dXXX-4XXX-9XXX-c4bXXXXXXX20",
  "x-wx-gtrid": "d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9",
  "abcUserId": “Dummy Data,
  "datetime": "2024-04-26T00:22:33.947+05:30",
  "deviceAgent": "",
  "capabilityList": "AUTH%2CLIST%2CTIME%2CFORM%2CQUICK%2CAUTH2",
  "appId": "a_15984XXXXXXXXXX260",
  "requestIdentifier": "",
  "ts": "2024-04-26T00:22:33.947+05:30"

  "capabilities": "",
  "timezone": "2024-04-25T19:04:03.770Z",
  "channel": "AppleBusinessChat",
  "abcAccountId": "93XXXX0b-0XX0-4XXb-aXXd-37fXXXXXXX4d",
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "send node1": "send node1 value",
      "serviceId": “12345”,
      "serviceName": "AMB650_MultipleUsersAsset",
      "flowId": “54321”,
      "flowName": "AMBConvClosed",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "type": "close",
  ""tid": "234XXXXX-dXXX-4XXX-9XXX-c4bXXXXXXX20",
  "x-wx-gtrid": "d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9",
  "abcUserId": “Dummy Data,
  "datetime": "2024-04-26T00:22:33.947+05:30",
  "deviceAgent": "",
  "capabilityList": "AUTH%2CLIST%2CTIME%2CFORM%2CQUICK%2CAUTH2",
  "appId": "a_15984XXXXXXXXXX260",
  "requestIdentifier": "",
  "ts": "2024-04-26T00:34:03.770+05:30"

The following table contains the parameter descriptions of Inbound Events.

Field NameDescriptionsExampleMessage Type
attachmentsContains the attachment sent by the userwww.webexconnect.comText with attachments, List Picker, Time Picker, iMessage
capabilitiesThis field has been deprecated by Apple Messages for Business in March 2022 and no longer contains any value. Refer to capabilityList field instead.NAText, List Picker, Time Picker, Classical Authentication, Quick Reply, Conversation Closed
channelName of the channel.Apple Business ChatCommon parameter for all inbound event types.
abcAccountIdContains the unique Apple Messages for Business account ID.31XXXX96-fXXe-4XX4
Common parameter for all inbound event types.
dataIntegrationThe object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow and also app context object.."dataIntegration": {    "context":
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"   
“appContext”: {
Common parameter for all inbound event types.
contextThe object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow."context": { 
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"   
Common parameter for all inbound event types.
serviceIdContains the unique reference id of the service.12345Common parameter for all inbound event types.
serviceNameContains the name of the service.My New ServiceCommon parameter for all inbound event types.
flowIdContains the unique ID for the flow.54321Common parameter for all inbound event types.
flowNameContains the name of the flow.Sample FlowCommon parameter for all inbound event types.
messagingAPIIt is a boolean parameter. If the value is True, the message was sent using messaging API. If the value is False, the message was sent using either flow or rule.true/falseCommon parameter for all inbound event types.
appContextThe object is added as key-value pair either by Data Stream admin or in flow.“appContext“: {
“key1”: “value1“,
“key2”: “value2“
Common parameter for all inbound event types.
bizIntentIdThe intention, or purpose, of the chat as specified by the business, such as account_question.account_questionText, List Picker, Time Picker, and Quick Reply.
typeContains the details of event type.textCommon parameter for all inbound event types.
messageContains the text message sent by the user.This is a test message.Common parameter for all inbound event types.
localeContains the location-based language settingen_USCommon parameter for all inbound event types.
tidTransaction ID9fXXXX4e-fXXb-dXXb
Common parameter for all inbound event types.
x-wx-gtridContains the global transaction ID between cross-products for a given request.d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe
Common parameter for all inbound event types.
abcUserIdContains the unique Apple Messages for Business user IDurn:mbidTc=Common parameter for all inbound event types.
datetimeData and Time on which the message is received.2020-02-25T12:40:45.051+05:30Common parameter for all inbound event types.
bizGroupIdContains the business group ID.SalesText, List Picker, Time Picker, Quick Reply
deviceAgentThis field has been deprecated by Apple Messages for Business in March 2022 and no longer contains any value.NACommon parameter for all inbound event types.
capabilityListA string list that identifies Messages for Business features supported by the customer’s device. The list items are case insensitive and separated by commas. When a customer sends a message, this field allows you to understand the customer device capabilities to compose an appropriate response for that device.AUTH%2CLIST%2CTIME%2CQUICK%2CAUTH2Common parameter for all inbound event types.
appIdContains the application ID.a_63XXXXXXXXXXXXX000Common parameter for all inbound event types.
requestIdentifierApplicable for responses to interactive message types such as Quick Replies. It can be used to correlate user response to a previously sent interactive message.92XXXX67-eXX9-4XXc
Text, List, Picker, Time Picker, Classical Authentication, Quick Reply, Quick Reply, Form Response, Typing Indicator, and Conversation Closed.
EventContains the incoming event type.Incoming Message (MO)Common parameter for all inbound event types.
tsTimestamp when MO received to Webex Connect2023-03-06T17:21:41.488+05:30Common parameter for all inbound event types.
timestampTimestamp when MO received to connect. This is an old field. This info is now available in the 'ts' field.2023-03-06T17:21:41.488+05:30Text and List Picker event type.
listPickerContains the JSON payload of list picker response as selected by the customer."{"otherItemCount":0,"selectedItemCount":3,
"title":"iPhone X","order":"0"},]}",
List Picker and Time Picker event type.
datePickerContains the JSON payload of time picker response as selected by the customer."{"identifier":"fdXXXX99-6XX1-4XX6-aXX8-aeXXXXXXXX9c",
"title":"NHS Appointments",
List Picker and Time Picker event type.
bidThe bundle ID relevant to the message type. For iMessage App extension, it’s the app specific bundle ID. For all the other messages, it’s the default.""
iMessage event type.
typeContains the details of event type.textCommon parameter for all inbound event types.
quickrepliesAllows the customer with a single tap to make a choice."{"selectedIdentifier":"345345","items":[{"identifier":"2323","title":"TestCloudQA"},{"identifier":"345345","title":"No 👎"}],"selectedIndex":1}",Quick Reply
formResponseAllows the customer to create interactive flows."formResponse": "{"template":"messageForms"}"Form Response

Apple Messages for Business - Outbound Message

The following are the Apple Messages for Business outbound message payloads.

  "sourceId": "31XXXX6-fXXe-4XX4-aXX8-a6XXXXXXXXca",
  "transid": "cfXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a",
  "channel": "AppleBusinessChat",
  "validateDestination": false,
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "serviceId": “12345”,
      "serviceName": "My New Service",
      "flowId": “54321”,
      "flowName": "Sample Flow",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "type": "text",
  "body": "This is AMB text message -AMBMultipleUsersFix650  -Clientstaging\n",
  "tid": "cfXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a",
  "clientUUID": "9eXXXX26-9XX1-4XX7-bXXa-d9XXXXXXXXbd",
  "x-wx-gtrid": "d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9",
  "abcUserId": "urn:mbidTc=",
  "v": 1,
  "sendTypingIndicator": true,
  "appId": "a_63XXXXXXXXXXXX0000",
  "attachmentCount": 0,
  "x_msg_seq": 1,
  "text": "This is AMB text message -AMBMultipleUsersFix650  -Clientstaging\n",
  "serviceKey": "02XXXXd0-5XX7-1XXd-bXX8-12XXXXXXXX6d",
  "ts": "1711641065642"
  "sourceId": "31XXXX6-fXXe-4XX4-aXX8-a6XXXXXXXXca",
  "attachments": [
      "size": 0,
      "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
      "url": ""
  "transid": "cfXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a",
  "channel": "AppleBusinessChat",
  "validateDestination": false,
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "serviceId": “12345”,
      "serviceName": "AMB6_MultipleUsersAsset",
      "flowId": “54321”,
      "flowName": "AMBIncmingMessageEvent",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "type": "text",
  "body": "Text with Attachment DS",
  "tid": "cfXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a",
  "clientUUID": "9eXXXX26-9XX1-4XX7-bXXa-d9XXXXXXXXbd",
  "x-wx-gtrid": "d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9",
  "abcUserId": “Dummy Data”,
  "v": 1,
  "sendTypingIndicator": false,
  "appId": "a_63XXXXXXXXXXXX0000",
  "attachmentCount": 0,
  "x_msg_seq": 0,
  "text": "Text with Attachment DS",
  "serviceKey": "02XXXXd0-5XX7-1XXd-bXX8-12XXXXXXXX6d"
  "sourceId": "31XXXX6-fXXe-4XX4-aXX8-a6XXXXXXXXca",
  "transid": "cfXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a",
  "interactiveData": {
    "data": {
      "requestIdentifier": "RQR123456",
      "version": "1.0",
      "quick-reply": {
        "summaryText": "This is QR Summary Text",
        "items": [
            "identifier": "OptionA",
            "title": "Confirm"
            "identifier": "Confirm",
            "title": "Cancel"
        "selectedIndex": 0
    "useLiveLayout": true,
    "bid": ""
  "channel": "AppleBusinessChat",
  "validateDestination": false,
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "check": "Data stream check in strat node AMB  QR",
      "serviceId": “12345”,
      "serviceName": "AMB_MultipleUsersAsset",
      "flowId": “54321”,
      "flowName": "AMBQRResponseMultipleUser",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "type": "interactive",
   "tid": "cfXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a",
  "clientUUID": "9eXXXX26-9XX1-4XX7-bXXa-d9XXXXXXXXbd",
  "x-wx-gtrid": "d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9",
  "abcUserId": “Dummy Data”,
  "v": 1,
  "sendTypingIndicator": false,
  "appId": "a_63XXXXXXXXXXXX0000",
  "attachmentCount": 0,
  "x_msg_seq": 0,
  "serviceKey": "02XXXXd0-5XX7-1XXd-bXX8-12XXXXXXXX6d"
  "sourceId": "db73f591-1e2f-4af9-8ebf-6ba866808caa",
  "transid": "2b865cc5-3c11-47f9-a08e-e266ad49a73f",
  "interactiveData": {
    "receivedMessage": {
      "imageIdentifier": "807b3124-c7d4-67dc-4708-4c9ebda001f5",
      "subtitle": "ReceiveSubtitle_Start",
      "style": "small",
      "title": "ReceiveTitle_Start"
    "data": {
      "images": [
          "identifier": "807b3124-c7d4-67dc-4708-4c9ebda001f5",
          "url": ""
          "identifier": "d9525ebe-4b9f-258d-e64e-723774fa9cbd",
          "url": ""
          "identifier": "4956555a-ceac-c77d-2a9a-3e49eecad76a",
          "url": ""
      "requestIdentifier": "Req12121212",
      "version": "1.0",
      "listPicker": {
        "sections": [
            "title": "S1",
            "items": [
                "identifier": "a232323",
                "imageIdentifier": "d9525ebe-4b9f-258d-e64e-723774fa9cbd",
                "subtitle": "I1Subtitle",
                "style": "default",
                "title": "I1",
                "order": 1
            "multipleSelection": true,
            "order": 1
            "title": "S2",
            "items": [
                "identifier": "b232323",
                "imageIdentifier": "",
                "subtitle": "I2Subtitle",
                "style": "default",
                "title": "I2",
                "order": 1
            "multipleSelection": true,
            "order": 2
            "title": "S3",
            "items": [
                "identifier": "c232323",
                "imageIdentifier": "9eXXXX26-9XX1-4XX7-bXXa-d9XXXXXXXXbd",
                "subtitle": "I3Subtitle",
                "style": "default",
                "title": "I3",
                "order": 1
                "identifier": "d232323",
                "imageIdentifier": "",
                "subtitle": "I4Subtitle",
                "style": "default",
                "title": "I4",
                "order": 2
            "multipleSelection": true,
            "order": 3
    "useLiveLayout": true,
    "replyMessage": {
      "style": "icon",
      "alternateTitle": "ReplySubtitle",
      "title": "ReplyTitle"
    "bid": ""
  "channel": "AppleBusinessChat",
  "validateDestination": false,
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "check": "Data stream LP/TP start node",
      "serviceId": “12345”,
      "serviceName": "AMB650_MultipleUsersAsset",
      "flowId": “54321”,
      "flowName": "AMBListpickerResponseMultipleUser",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "type": "interactive",
  "tid": "cfXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a",
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    "receivedMessage": {
      "imageIdentifier": "132XXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a",
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          "title": "Wembly",
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        "title": "BookAppointment",
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            "duration": 1800,
            "identifier": "slot123",
            "startTime": "2024-12-28T06:30Z"
            "duration": 3000,
            "identifier": "slot345",
            "startTime": "2024-08-28T16:00Z"
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      "style": "icon",
      "title": "Chosen Date"
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      "flowName": "AMBListpickerResponseMultipleUser",
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  "type": "interactive",
  "tid": "cfXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a",
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  "interactiveData": {
    "receivedMessage": {
      "imageIdentifier": "551a9527-e8c1-4395-9431-885c7e8615f2",
      "subtitle": "Please fill out the following dispute form",
      "style": "icon",
      "title": "Send node executed with For Response"
    "data": {
      "images": [
          "identifier": "55XXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXXf2",
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          "pages": [
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              "pageIdentifier": "0",
              "subtitle": "Was the merchandise you received defective or not as the merchant described?",
              "nextPageIdentifier": "1",
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              "title": "Type of Product",
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              "pageIdentifier": "1",
              "subtitle": "Was the merchandise you received defective or not as the merchant described?",
              "nextPageIdentifier": "2",
              "type": "select",
              "title": "Item Condition",
              "items": [
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                  "imageIdentifier": "1",
                  "nextPageIdentifier": "2",
                  "title": "Defective",
                  "value": "defective"
                  "identifier": "102",
                  "imageIdentifier": "2",
                  "nextPageIdentifier": "3",
                  "title": "Non defective",
                  "value": "non defective"
              "multipleSelection": false
              "submitForm": false,
              "pageIdentifier": "2",
              "subtitle": "Do you have any supporting documents that demonstrate that the product quality was not sufficient?",
              "nextPageIdentifier": "3",
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              "title": "Supporting Documents",
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                  "title": "Yes",
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                  "title": "No",
                  "value": "no"
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              "submitForm": false,
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              "type": "picker",
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                  "title": "APAC",
                  "value": "apac"
                }              ],
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              "selectedItemIndex": "2"
              "submitForm": false,
              "pageIdentifier": "4",
              "subtitle": "What date did you receive, or expect to receive the product?",
              "options": {
                "dateFormat": "MM/dd/yyyy",
                "labelText": "Select Delivery Date",
                "maximumDate": "02/13/2020",
                "minimumDate": "01/01/2020",
                "startDate": "01/12/2020"
              "nextPageIdentifier": "5",
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              "title": "Delivery Date",
              "multipleSelection": false
              "submitForm": false,
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                "maximumCharacterCount": 10,
                "keyboardType": "UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress",
                "inputType": "multiline",
                "placeholder": "Please enter issues",
                "required": true
              "nextPageIdentifier": "6",
              "type": "input",
              "title": "Remaining Issues",
              "multipleSelection": false
              "submitForm": true,
              "pageIdentifier": "6",
              "subtitle": "Please provide name of the product",
              "options": {
                "regex": "^d+$",
                "prefixText": "$",
                "maximumCharacterCount": 10,
                "keyboardType": "numberPad",
                "labelText": "Name",
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                "placeholder": "Please enter product name",
                "required": false
              "type": "input",
              "title": "Product name",
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          "splash": {
            "splashtext": "Kindly answer the following questions to help us dispute this transaction",
            "imageIdentifier": "551a9527-e8c1-4395-9431-885c7e8615f1",
            "buttonTitle": "Continue-123",
            "header": "Hello Apple Card-Send Node Kindly answer the following questions"
          "startPageIdentifier": "1"
      "version": "1.0"
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      "subtitle": "This is Subtitle",
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      "title": "Tap to view your response."
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      "serviceId": "32763",
      "serviceName": "AMB_MultipleUsersAsset",
      "flowId": "33453",
      "flowName": "AMBFormResponseMultipleUsers",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
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      "title": "ReceiveMessage_Old"
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          "identifier": "55XXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXXf2",
          "url": ""
      "authenticate": {
        "error_code": 0,
        "oauth2": {
          "responseType": "code",
          "scope": [
          "state": "eca7edc7-e5aa-4fc1-a787-5c9f6b08512d"
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      "version": "1.0"
    "useLiveLayout": true,
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      "flowId": "38792",
      "flowName": "AMBClassicalAuth",
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    "appContext": {
  "type": "interactive",
  "tid": "cfXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a",
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          "url": ""
      "newAuthenticate": {
        "oauth2": {
          "scope": [
          "additionalParameters": ""
      "requestIdentifier": "newauth12344",
      "version": "2.0"
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      "title": "ReplyMessage_New"
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      "flowName": "AMBAuthentcation",
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  "x-wx-gtrid": "d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9",
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      "title": "Receive Message title"
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      "title": "Reply Message title"
    "appName": "API Explorer",
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    "extensionId": "com.imimobile.fcmconnect.MessagesExtension",
    "url": "?name=samplepackage&extraCharge=1.5&deliveryDate=27-11-2022&destinationName=Home&street=1infiniteloop&state=CA&city=Hyderabad&country=IND&postalCode=500084&latitude=17.331686&longitude=78.030656&isMyLocation=false&isFinalDestination=false"
  "channel": "AppleBusinessChat",
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      ""flowName"": ""AMBRichLink"",
      ""messagingAPI"": ""false""
    ""appContext"": {
  ""type"": ""richLink"",
  ""tid"": ""95aa2197-928a-4062-a4d0-00b3c0677723"",
  ""clientUUID"": ""0a4a1900-98ef-4385-b9f9-5ef0927d6683"",
  ""x-wx-gtrid"": ""839999e9-256f-ba76-5fbd-31b87468accd"",
  ""abcUserId"": ""urn:mbid:AQAAY60qTheTNgzRXmhGzC2PgVQvER1zlijKpna+OVr9LqhBpnFDZUtFJtss3pzF/RvxaK+iuxkOwqXXMaoQIufgbbJefToGl8980MHiUUCBkOsOWTMmVvs0pRbZ57ernMjoe4A8wKo14amNwiYRYOpyvFJ6YTc="",
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    ""title"": ""Google"",
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The following table contains the parameter descriptions of Outbound Events.

Field NameDescriptionsExamplesMessage Type
sourceIdThe Apple Messages business ID of the client.31XXXX6-fXXe-4XX4-
Common parameter for all outbound message types.
transidUnique transaction reference id of the request.cfXXXX81-2XXe-
Common parameter for all outbound message types.
channelChannel is AppleBusinessChat always for incoming chats on Apple Messages for Business.AppleBusinessChatCommon parameter for all outbound message types.
validateDestinationSystem variable.FalseCommon parameter for all outbound message types.
dataIntegrationThe object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow and also app context object."dataIntegration": {    "context":
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"   
“appContext”: {
Common parameter for all outbound message types.
imageIdentifierUnique Identifier for an image as given by the client.a9XXXX98-9XX2-4XX5
List Picker, Time Picker, Form Response, Classical Authentication, New Authentication, and iMessage
contextThe object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow."context": { 
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"   
Common parameter for all outbound message types.
serviceIdContains the unique reference id of the service.12345Common parameter for all outbound message types.
serviceNameContains the name of the service.My New ServiceCommon parameter for all outbound message types.
flowIdContains the unique ID for the flow.54321Common parameter for all outbound message types.
flowNameContains the name of the flowSample FlowCommon parameter for all outbound message types.
messagingAPIIndicates whether the request is sent through messaging APItrue/falseCommon parameter for all outbound message types.
appContextThe object is added as key-value pair either by Data Stream admin or in flow.“appContext“: {
“key1”: “value1“,
“key2”: “value2“
Common parameter for all outbound message types.
typeContains the details of event type.textCommon parameter for all outbound message types.
bodyContains the information sent by the user.simple textText and Text with Attachments.
tidTransaction ID.cfXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3aCommon parameter for all outbound message types.
clientUUIDContains the clients unique identification number.9eXXXX26-9XX1-4XX7-bXXa-d9XXXXXXXXbdCommon parameter for all outbound message types.
x-wx-gtridContains the global transaction ID between cross-products for a given request.d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9Common parameter for all outbound message types.
abcUserIdContains the unique Apple Messages for Business user ID.urn:mbidTc=Common parameter for all outbound message types.
vVersion of the AMB REST API used for sending messages.1Common parameter for all outbound message types.
sendTypingIndicatorIndicates whether to send typing indicator before sending the actual message to customer.falseCommon parameter for all outbound message types.
appIdContains the application ID.a_63XXXXXXXXXXXX0000Common parameter for all outbound message types.
attachmentCountContains the total attachment count by the user.0Common parameter for all outbound message types.
x_msg_seqThis parameter represents whether the request should process sequence or not0Common parameter for all outbound message types.
textContains the text message sent by the user.This is a AMB MessageCommon parameter for all outbound message types.
serviceKeyUnique identification number for the service.02XXXXd0-5XX7-1XXd
Common parameter for all outbound message types.
TsTimestamp when MO received to Webex Connect.2023-03-06T17:21:41.488+05:30Common parameter for all outbound message types.
richLinkDataContains the details of rich link object{
""assets"": {
""image"": {
""mimeType"": ""image/jpeg"",
""url"": ""
Rich Link.
assetsContains image or video asset.NARich Link.
imagesContains the details of the image.NAList Picker, Time Picker, Form Response, Classical Authentication, and New Authentication.
mimeTypeContains the format of the file.image/jpgText with Attachments and Rich Link.
UrlContains data that the app sends to the iMessage app.Dummy DataText with Attachments, List Picker, Time Picker, Form Response, Classical Authentication, New Authentication, iMessage, and Rich Link.
titleTitle name.Online ShoppingQuick Reply, List Picker, Time Picker, Form Response, Classical Authentication, New Authentication, iMessage, and Rich Link.
tsTimestamp when MO received to Webex Connect.1678104966670Text.
interactiveDataContains the list/Time Picker (Date Picker) and Quick Reply data.NAQuick Reply, List Picker, Time Picker, Form Response, Classical Authentication, New Authentication, and iMessage.
receivedMessageA dictionary with information telling the Messages app how and what content to display the received message bubble.NAList Picker, Time Picker, Form Response, Classical Authentication, New Authentication, and iMessage.
subtitleSubtitle name.Upgrade to new phone.List Picker, Time Picker, Form Response, Classical Authentication, New Authentication, and iMessage.
styleA style that controls the size of the view rendered by Live Layout. The default is icon. The other possible values are small, large.SmallList Picker, Time Picker, and Form Response.
listPickerArray that contains the list picker item(s) selected by the customer.Dummy DataList Picker.
itemsArray that contains the list picker item(s) selected by the customer.NAQuick Reply, List Picker, and Form Response.
multipleSelectionA Bool value that defaults to false or singleSelect. Set to true to enable multipleSelection on the page.trueList Picker and Form Response.
useLiveLayoutA Boolean that determines whether the Messages app should use Live Layout.trueQuick Reply, List Picker, Time Picker, Form Response, Classical Authentication, New Authentication, and iMessage.
bidThe bundle ID relevant to the message type. For iMessage App extension, it’s the app specific bundle ID. For all the other messages, it’s the default""
Quick Reply, List Picker, Time Picker, Form Response, Classical Authentication, New Authentication, and iMessage.
dataA collection of name and values used for interactive message types.NAQuick Reply, List Picker, Time Picker, Form Response, Classical Authentication, and New Authentication.
timezoneOffsetDetermines whether the startTime is in a specific time zone or in the customer's current time zone.330Time Picker.
locationContains the geographical location of the user.NATime Picker.
latitudeContains the location of the date picker event.17.331686Time Picker.
radiusA number (data type: double) representing the location radius, in meters. Apple Messages for Business ignores this field when latitude and longitude are missing or empty.10Time Picker.
longitudeContains the location details of the business.0.3048Time Picker.
timeslotsArray that contains the time slot selected by the customer.NATime Picker.
startTimeDisplays the time at which the event has started.2024-12-28T06:30ZTime Picker.
alternateTitleAlternate name for the title.ReplySubtitleList Picker.
quick-replyAllows the customer with a single tap to make a choice.NAQuick Reply.
summaryTextSummary text that will be used for device notification but will also shown in the transcript after the end user selects one of the quick reply options.This is QR Summary Text.Quick Reply.
selectedIndexThe selected item number from top order.0Quick Reply.
dynamicJSON object that contains entire data of the dynamic message types such as Form message.NAForm Response.
templateName of the templatemessageFormsForm Response.
showSummaryDisplays the summary.trueForm Response.
pagesAn array of different pages to be shown in the form. Every page object has following common objects.NAForm Response.
submitFormA Bool value placed on the pages to denote the end page of the form. Since multiple pages can act as an end page, this object can be set on multiple pages.falseForm Response.
nextPageIdentifierContains the details of single select option page, where you specify the nextPageIdentifier within each of the item objects.1Form Response.
multipleSelectionA Bool value that defaults to false or singleSelect. Set to true to enable multipleSelection on the page.trueList Picker and Form Response.
dateFormatA string representing the date format on the Response.
labelTextA string representing the text string to be shown next to date field. Defaults to text 'Date'.Select Delivery DateForm Response.
maximumDateA string representing the maximum date that a date picker can show. Defaults to current date.02/13/2020Form Response.
minimumDateA string representing the minimum date that a date picker can show.01/01/2020Form Response.
startDateA string representing the date displayed by the date picker. Defaults to current date.01/01/2020Form Response.
regexA string representing a JSON encoded regular expression (regex) string to limit the type of input for input field to use^\w+$Form Response.
maximumCharacterCountMaximum number of characters allowed.10Form Response.
keyboardTypeType of keyboard to be shown. Possible values: -default: Default value.IKeyboardTypeEmailAddressForm Response.
inputTypeA string value that defaults to singleline. Other values are multiline or singleline.multilineForm Response.
placeholderA text string used when there is no other text in the input text field. Default value are Required or Optional.Please enter issues.Form Response.
splashThe object that contains the splash parameters and values. Splash is shown at the start of the form.Form Response.
splashtextDisplays the body copy for the page.Kindly fill the formForm Response.
buttonTitleContains the title for the button.ContinueForm Response.
HeaderDisplays in bold the title on the page underneath the image.Apple CardForm Response.

Apple Messages for Business Delivery Receipts

The following are the Apple Messages for Business delivery receipts payloads.

  "x-wx-gtrid": "11XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXX22",
  "deliveryInfoNotification": {
    "deliveryInfo": {
      "timeStamp": "2024-03-28T21:21:14.971+05:30",
      "Description": "Submitted",
      "code": "7501",
      "deliveryChannel": "applebusinesschat",
      "additionalInfo": "",
      "destination": "Dummy Data,
      "destinationType": "applebusinesschat",
      "deliveryStatus": "Submitted"
    "subtid": "31XXXX6-fXXe-4XX4-aXX8-a6XXXXXXXXca",
    "transid": "cfXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a",
    "callbackData": "This is callbackdata",
    "correlationid": "3eXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXXd9"
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "serviceId": “12345”,
      "serviceName": "My New Service",
      "flowId": “54321”,
      "flowName": "Sample Flow",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {

  "x-wx-gtrid": "effdc4a6-f9af-4b57-98fe-a4102f550090",
  "deliveryInfoNotification": {
    "deliveryInfo": {
      "timeStamp": "2024-04-02T11:05:06.066+05:30",
      "Description": "Service provider exception.",
      "code": "7010",
      "deliveryChannel": "applebusinesschat",
      "additionalInfo": "Status Code 410, Resp:410 Gone : Session not found",
      "destination": "Dummy Data",
      "destinationType": "applebusinesschat",
      "deliveryStatus": "Failed"
    "subtid": "31XXXX6-fXXe-4XX4-aXX8-a6XXXXXXXXc",
    "transid": "cfXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a,
    "callbackData": "This is callbackdata",
    "correlationid": "3eXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXXd9"
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "serviceId": "32763",
      "serviceName": "AMB_MultipleUsersAsset",
      "flowId": "54321",
      "flowName": "AMBIncmingMessageEvent",
      "messagingAPI": "true"
    "appContext": {

The following table contains the parameter descriptions of Delivery Receipts .

Field NameDescriptionsExampleMessage Type
x-wx-gtridContains the global transaction ID between cross-products for a given request.d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
deliveryInfoNotificationSystem variableNACommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
deliveryInfoSystem variableNACommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
timeStampTimestamp of the event. The timestamp mentioned in the outbound webhook is as per the timezone of the tenant and not UTC as a standard.2023-03-06T17:53:02.270+05:30Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
DescriptionDetailed description of the delivery status.SubmittedCommon parameter for all event types.
codeStatus code as mentioned in the documentation.1011Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
deliveryChannelChannel used to send the message i.e., Apple Messages for Business in this case.Apple Messages for BusinessCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
additionalInfoAdditional information about the transaction.Status Code 410Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
destinationUnique user id for the recipient of the message on Apple Messages for Business.Dummy DataCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
destinationTypeThis is always applebusinesschat for Apple Messages for Business.Apple Messages for BusinessCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
deliveryStatusStatus of messages once sent.SubmittedCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
subtidA unique transaction id will be generated as subtid for the flow level transactions(or node tid)31XXXX6-fXXe-4XX4-aXX8-a6XXXXXXXXcCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
transidUnique transaction reference id of the request.f4XXXX7e-5XXb-4XX9-9XXf-3bXXXXXXXf3dCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
callbackDataData that you have configured to receive on the notify Url. This is configured as a part of the request.This is callback data.Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
correlationidThe CorrelationID is a unique identifier that you can attach to every request as a reference a particular transaction or event. This is configured as a part of the request.12XXXX7e-5XXb-4XX9-9XXf-3bXXXXXXX90Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
dataIntegrationThe object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow and also app context object."dataIntegration": {    "context":
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"   
“appContext”: {
Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
contextThe object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow."context": { 
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"   
Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
serviceIdContains the unique reference id of the service.12345Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
serviceNameContains the name of the service.My New ServiceCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
flowIdContains the unique ID for the flow.54321Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
flowNameContains the name of the flowSample FlowCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
messagingAPIIt is a boolean parameter. If the value is True, the message was sent using messaging API. If the value is False, the message was sent using either flow or rule.true/falseCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
appContextThe object is added as key-value pair either by Data Stream admin or in flow.“appContext“: {
“key1”: “value1“,
“key2”: “value2“
Common parameter for all delivery receipts.