Data Streams - In-App

Contains the payloads and descriptions for Inbound, Outbound, and Delivery Receipts for In-App.

In-App - Inbound Message

The following are the In-App inbound message payloads.

  "x-wx-gtrid": "06XXXXf8-6XXd-4XX1-8XX2-24XXXXXXXX50",
  "datetime": "2024-04-02T10:03:35.105+05:30",
  "attachments": "",
  "appId": "NEXXXXXX34",
  "channel": "Rtm",
  "replyTo": "",
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "check": "Data Stream Start Node",
      "serviceId": "12345",
      "serviceName": "My New Service",
      "flowId": "54321",
      "flowName": "Sample Flow",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "event": "MO",
  "message": "DS",
  "userId": "2580",
  "tid": "f5XXXX5a-aXX1-4XX0-8XX8-8dXXXXXXXXb7",
  "ts": "2024-04-02T10:03:35.105+05:30"
  "x-wx-gtrid": "a3XXXXce-3XX5-4XX4-9XX1-f3XXXXXXXXd4",
  "datetime": "2024-04-02T11:08:57.380+05:30",
  "attachments": "[{\"file\":\"\",\"size\":98304,\"id\":\"97407654974538\",\"contentType\":\"file\"}]",
  "appId": "NEXXXXXX34",
  "channel": "Rtm",
  "replyTo": "",
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "check": "Data Stream Start Node",
      "serviceId": "12345",
      "serviceName": "Inapp_Frist",
      "flowId": "54321",
      "flowName": "DSFlow",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "event": "MO",
  "message": "",
  "userId": "2580",
  "tid": "a2XXXXf0-0XX0-4XXa-bXX6-d7XXXXXXXXXcd",
  "ts": "2024-04-02T11:08:57.380+05:30"
  "attachments": "",
  "channel": "Rtm",
  "interactiveData": "",
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "check": "post back start node",
      "serviceId": "35378",
      "serviceName": "Inapp_First",
      "flowId": "36500",
      "flowName": "DS2",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "message": "Bookmark Item",
  "userId": "2580",
  "tid": "59XXXXf7-2XX1-4XXd-9XXe-80XXXXXXXX21",
  "x-wx-gtrid": "95XXXX0f-2XX2-4XX0-9XX7-5fXXXXXXXX2b6",
  "datetime": "2024-04-02T12:53:30.903+05:30",
  "appId": "NE05064134",
  "replyTo": "",
  "event": "OnPostback",
  "ts": "2024-04-02T12:53:30.903+05:30"
  "connect_message_id": "fcXXXX48-9XXf-4XX7-8XXe-27XXXXXXXXf8",
  "data": "",
  "origin": "gateway",
  "channel": "Rtm",
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "Team ": "Test"
    "appContext": {
      "tenant_identifier": "CampaignTopic",
      "AuthURL": "",
      "Topic": "dummy_data",
      "webhookurl": "dummy_data",
      "Name": ""
  "clentId": "POXXXX3801/3XX2/v2_fc50XXXXXXXXXX5",
  "userId": "",
  "deviceId": "fc5XXXXXXXXX25a",
  "version": "2",
  "tid": "e3XXXX37-0XXe-4XX0-8XX1-ffXXXXXXXX8f_2",
  "pciInfo": "",
  "datetime": "2022-04-29T09:16:25.739Z",
  "appId": "PO11153801",
  "event": "OnGeoEnter",
  "tenant": "1",
  "ts": "2022-04-29T09:16:25.739Z"

  "connect_message_id": "fcXXXX48-9XXf-4XX7-8XXe-27XXXXXXXXf8",
  "data": "",
  "origin": "gateway",
  "channel": "Rtm",
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "Geoleave": "StartNode"
    "appContext": {
      "tenant_identifier": "CampaignTopic",
      "AuthURL": "",
      "Topic": "",
      "webhookurl": "",
      "Name": ""
  "clentId": "POXXXX3801/3XX2/v2_fc50XXXXXXXXXX5a",
  "userId": "",
  "deviceId": "fc5XXXXXXXXX25a",
  "version": "2",
  "tid": "e3XXXX37-0XXe-4XX0-8XX1-ffXXXXXXXX8f_2",
  "pciInfo": "",
  "datetime": "2022-04-29T10:00:55.652Z",
  "appId": "POXXXXXX01",
  "event": "OnGeoLeave",
  "tenant": "1",
  "ts": "2022-04-29T10:00:55.652Z"
  "origin": "gateway",
  "channel": "Rtm",
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "check": "Start Node On thread closed",
      "serviceId": "35378",
      "serviceName": "Inapp_First",
      "flowId": "36518",
      "flowName": "DS3",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "type": "Conversation",
  "title": "DSS",
  "userId": "2580",
  "tid": "66XXXXfd-9XX5-4XX3-bXX2-49XXXXXXXXa8",
  "threadId": "bfXXXX54-0XXb-4XX7-9XXd-cdXXXXXXXX2d",
  "x-wx-gtrid": "c2XXXX9f-dXX8-4XXa-aXX6-ffXXXXXXX45",
  "datetime": "2024-04-02T15:07:44.967+05:30",
  "appId": "NEXXXX34",
  "event": "OnThreadClosed",
  "status": "Closed",
  "ts": "2024-04-02T15:07:44.967+05:30"
  "connect_message_id": "a8XXXXfd-cXX6-4XXe-aXXf-a5XXXXXXXXd5",
  "data": "{\"sale\":true,\"city\":\"Hyderabad\",\"company\":\"IMImobile\",\"employees\":[{\"city\":\"Hyd\",\"name\":\"John\",\"age\":30}],\"age\":30}",
  "origin": "gateway",
  "channel": "Rtm",
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "check": "Start Node Custom Event",
      "serviceId": "35378",
      "serviceName": "InappR660Regression",
      "flowId": "36548",
      "flowName": "DS4",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "clentId": "SDXXXXXX29/9XX9/v2_f9XXXXXXXXXXXX66",
  "userId": "9XX9",
  "deviceId": "f9XXXXXXXXXXXX66",
  "version": "2",
  "tid": "7bXXXX72-bXXf-4XX8-bXXe-87XXXXXXXXe7",
  "x-wx-gtrid": "a3XXXX8d-7XXc-4XX6-9XXc-98XXXXXXXX53",
  "datetime": "2024-04-02T17:45:12.636+05:30",
  "appId": "SD31113129",
  "event": "CUSTOM",
  "tenant": "41012799",
  "ts": "2024-04-02T17:45:12.636+05:30"

In-App - Inbound Message Descriptions

The following table contains the parameter descriptions of inbound messages.

Field NameDescriptionsExampleEvent Type
x-wx-gtridContains the global transaction ID between cross-products for a given request.d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9Message and Attachments
datetimeData and Time on which the message is received.2020-02-25T12:40:45.051+05:30Postback, Geo Enter, Geo Leave, OnThread Closed, and Custom Event
attachmentsIn-App attachment details[{"file":"","size":98304,"id":"97407654974538","contentType":"file"}]
ChannelThis is “rt” in case of Live Chat and In-App Messaging.RTMCommon parameter for all inbound event types.
appIdContains the application ID.a_63XXXXXXXXXXXXX000Common parameter for all inbound event types.
replyToContains the details of the user to whom the message is being sent.User1Message, Attachments and Postback
dataIntegrationThe object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow and also app context object."dataIntegration": {    "context":
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"   
“appContext”: {
Common parameter for all inbound event types.
contextThe object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow."context": { 
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"   
Common parameter for all inbound event types.
serviceIdContains the unique reference id of the service.12345Common parameter for all inbound event types.
serviceNameContains the name of the service.My New ServiceCommon parameter for all inbound event types.
flowIdContains the unique ID for the flow.54321Common parameter for all inbound event types.
flowNameContains the name of the flow.Sample FlowCommon parameter for all inbound event types.
messagingAPIIndicates whether the request is sent through messaging API.true/falseCommon parameter for all inbound event types.
appContextThe object is added as key-value pair either by Data Stream admin or in flow.“appContext“: {
“key1”: “value1“,
“key2”: “value2“
Common parameter for all inbound event types.
eventContains the incoming event type.Incoming Message
messageContains the text message sent by the user.Hi this is a LiveChat message
userIdUnique identification number of the user.12345Common parameter for all inbound event types.
tidContains the transaction id.cfXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3aCommon parameter for all inbound event types.
tsTimestamp when MO received to Webex Connect.2022-01-17T10:59:51.945ZCommon parameter for all inbound event types.
clentIdUnique identification number of the client.POXXXX3801/3XX2/v2_fc50XXXXXXXXXX5a
pciInfoContains the PCI information of the user.droppedAttachmentCountGeo Enter and Geo Leave
deviceIdUnique identification number of the device.fc5XXXXXXXXX25aGeo Enter and Geo Leave
versionVersion of the In-App REST API used for sending messages.1Geo Enter and Geo Leave
NameContains the name of the user.TomGeo Enter and Geo Leave
statusContains the status of the flow.Closed
titleContains the title nameBuy Now

In-App - Delivery Receipt

The following are the In-App delivery receipts payloads.

  "deliveryInfoNotification": {
    "deliveryInfo": {
      "timeStamp": "2022-01-17T16:08:10.787+05:30",
      "pushId": "dummy_data",
      "Description": "Submitted",
      "code": "7501",
      "deliveryChannel": "rt",
      "destination": "dummy_data",
      "destinationType": "customerid",
      "deviceid": "",
      "deliveryStatus": "Submitted"
    "subtid": "dummy_data",
    "transid": "dummy_data",
    "callbackData": "",
    "correlationid": ""
    "dataIntegration": {
      "context": {
        "Key": "Value",
        "Key2": "Value2"
      "appContext": {
        "adminKey": "",
        "tenant_identifier": "dummyTenant"
  "deliveryInfoNotification": {
    "deliveryInfo": {
      "timeStamp": "2022-01-17T16:08:10.896+05:30",
      "pushId": "",
      "Description": "Delivered",
      "code": "7500",
      "deliveryChannel": "rt",
      "destination": "dummy_data",
      "destinationType": "customerid",
      "deviceid": "dummy_data",
      "deliveryStatus": "Delivered"
    "subtid": "dummy_data",
    "transid": "dummy_data",
    "callbackData": "",
    "correlationid": ""
  "dataIntegration": {
    "dataIntegration": {
      "context": {
        "Key": "Value",
        "Key2": "Value2"
      "appContext": {
        "adminKey": "",
        "tenant_identifier": "dummyTenant"
  "deliveryInfoNotification": {
    "deliveryInfo": {
      "timeStamp": "2022-01-17T16:08:10.927+05:30",
      "pushId": "",
      "Description": "Read",
      "code": "7502",
      "deliveryChannel": "rt",
      "destination": "dummy_data",
      "destinationType": "customerid",
      "deviceid": "dummy_data",
      "deliveryStatus": "Read"
    "subtid": "dummy_data",
    "transid": "dummy_data",
    "callbackData": "",
    "correlationid": ""
  "dataIntegration": {
    "dataIntegration": {
      "context": {
        "Key": "Value",
        "Key2": "Value2"
      "appContext": {
        "adminKey": "",
        "tenant_identifier": "dummyTenant"

In-App - Delivery Receipt Descriptions

The following table contains the parameter descriptions of delivery receipts.

Field NameDescriptionExampleMessage Type
x-wx-gtridContains the global transaction ID between cross-products for a given request.d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
deliveryInfoNotificationSystem variableN/ACommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
deliveryInfoSystem variableN/ACommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
timeStampTimestamp of the event2024-03-04T16:08:52.860+05:30Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
DescriptionDetailed description of the delivery status.Message length exceededCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
codeStatus code as mentioned in the documentation7107Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
deliveryChannelChannel to be used to send messageIn-AppCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
additionalinfoAdditional info such as details about the browser used to open a link in case of Click events.Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
destinationThe mobile number to which message will be sent.174XXXX6048Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
destinationTypeThis is always msisdn for In-App.customeridCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
deliveryStatusStatus of messages once sentSubmittedCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
subtidA unique transaction id will be generated as subtid for the flow level transactions(or node tid).27XXXX95-dXXb-4XXc-8XXc-61XXXXXXX8faCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
transidUnique transaction reference id of the request.93XXXX0b-0XX0-4XXb-aXXd-37fXXXXXXX4dCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
callbackDataData that you have configured to receive on the notify Url. This is configured as a part of the requestCallBackdataCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
correlationidThe CorrelationID is a unique identifier that you can attach to every request as a reference a particular transaction or event. This is configured as a part of the request.InAppMTusingmsisdnCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
dataIntegrationThe object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow and also app context object."dataIntegration": {    "context":
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"   
“appContext”: {
Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
contextThe object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow."context": { 
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"   
Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
serviceIdContains the unique reference id of the service.12345Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
serviceNameContains the name of the service.My New ServiceCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
flowIdContains the unique ID for the flow.54321Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
flowNameContains the name of the flow.Sample FlowCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
messagingAPIIndicates whether the request is sent through messaging APItrue/falseCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
appContextThe object is added as key-value pair either by Data Stream admin or in flow.“appContext“: {
“key1”: “value1“,
“key2”: “value2“
Common parameter for all delivery receipts.

In-App - Outbound Message

The following are the In-App outbound message payloads.

  "transid": "1cXXXXcd-7XX0-4XX2-9XX7-24XXXXXXXXa4",
  "channel": "RT",
  "extras": {
  "validateDestination": false,
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "check": "Data Stream Send Node",
      "serviceId": "12345",
      "serviceName": "My New Service",
      "flowId": "54321",
      "flowName": "Sample Flow",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "priority": 5,
  "message": "Send Node flow executed 01-04-2024",
  "userId": "2XX0",
  "tid": "1cXXXXcd-7XX0-4XX2-9XX7-249XXXXXXXXa4",
  "threadid": "b5XXXX01-c2ee-4XXc-aXX0-01XXXXXXXX0b",
  "clientUUID": "0aXXXX00-98ef-4XX5-bXX9-5eXXXXXXXX83",
  "x-wx-gtrid": "7aXXXXa6-bXX5-6XX0-aXX8-bcXXXXXXXX6f",
  "appId": "NEXXXXXX34",
  "x_msg_seq": 0,
  "serviceKey": "27XXXX75-eXX3-1XXe-aXX0-02XXXXXXXXd5"
"channel": "RT",
  "extras": {
  "validateDestination": false,
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "check": "Send Node with file",
      "serviceId": "12345",
      "serviceName": "Inapp_First",
      "flowId": "54321",
      "flowName": "DS2",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "priority": 5,
  "message": "Send Node with file",
  "userId": "2XX0",
  "tid": "1cXXXXcd-7XX0-4XX2-9XX7-249XXXXXXXXa4",
  "threadid": "b5XXXX01-c2ee-4XXc-aXX0-01XXXXXXXX0b",
  "clientUUID": "0aXXXX00-98ef-4XX5-bXX9-5eXXXXXXXX83",
  "x-wx-gtrid": "7aXXXXa6-bXX5-6XX0-aXX8-bcXXXXXXXX6f",
  "attachment": [
      "preview": "",
      "file": "",
      "contentType": "image/jpg"
  "appId": "NEXXXXXX34",
  "x_msg_seq": 0,
  "serviceKey": "27XXXX75-eXX3-1XXe-aXX0-02XXXXXXXXd5"
  "transid": "a3XXXX3c-5XX0-4XXe-aXXd-edXXXXXXXX12",
  "channel": "RT",
  "extras": {
  "validateDestination": false,
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "Check": "Post Back Send Node",
      "serviceId": "12345",
      "serviceName": "InappR_First",
      "flowId": "54321",
      "flowName": "DS3",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "priority": 5,
  "message": "Generic template",
  "userId": "2XX0",
  "tid": "1cXXXXcd-7XX0-4XX2-9XX7-249XXXXXXXXa4",
  "threadid": "b5XXXX01-c2ee-4XXc-aXX0-01XXXXXXXX0b",
  "clientUUID": "0aXXXX00-98ef-4XX5-bXX9-5eXXXXXXXX83",
  "x-wx-gtrid": "7aXXXXa6-bXX5-6XX0-aXX8-bcXXXXXXXX6f",
  "attachment": [
      "templateType": "generic",
      "payload": {
        "reference": "Consent",
        "elements": [
            "buttons": [
                "identifier": "12124",
                "payload": "",
                "type": "templatePostback",
                "title": "Buy Now",
                "url": ""
            "subtitle": "Subtitle",
            "imageUrls": [
            "title": "product"
      "contentType": "template"
  "appId": "NEXXXXXX34",
  "x_msg_seq": 0,
  "serviceKey": "27XXXX75-eXX3-1XXe-aXX0-02XXXXXXXXd5"
  "quickReplies": {
    "reference": "Consent",
    "options": [
        "identifier": "12321",
        "payload": "",
        "imageUrl": "",
        "type": "quickReplyPostback",
        "title": "Yes"
  "transid": "2eXXXX09-1XX1-4XX9-9XX7-93XXXXXXXX25",
  "channel": "RT",
  "extras": {
  "validateDestination": false,
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "check": "Send Node Quick Reply",
      "serviceId": "12345",
      "serviceName": "Inapp_First",
      "flowId": "54321",
      "flowName": "DS3",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "priority": 5,
  "message": "Quick reply Post back",
  "userId": "2XX0",
  "tid": "1cXXXXcd-7XX0-4XX2-9XX7-249XXXXXXXXa4",
  "threadid": "b5XXXX01-c2ee-4XXc-aXX0-01XXXXXXXX0b",
  "clientUUID": "0aXXXX00-98ef-4XX5-bXX9-5eXXXXXXXX83",
  "x-wx-gtrid": "7aXXXXa6-bXX5-6XX0-aXX8-bcXXXXXXXX6f",
  "appId": "NEXXXXXX34",
  "x_msg_seq": 0,
  "serviceKey": "27XXXX75-eXX3-1XXe-aXX0-02XXXXXXXXd5"
  "transid": "2eXXXX09-1XX1-4XX9-9XX7-93XXXXXXXX25",
  "channel": "RT",
  "extras": {
  "validateDestination": false,
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "check": "DS send node form",
      "serviceId": "12345",
      "serviceName": "Inapp_First",
      "flowId": "54321",
      "flowName": "DSFlow",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "priority": 1,
  "userId": "2XX0",
  "tid": "1cXXXXcd-7XX0-4XX2-9XX7-249XXXXXXXXa4",
  "threadid": "b5XXXX01-c2ee-4XXc-aXX0-01XXXXXXXX0b",
  "clientUUID": "0aXXXX00-98ef-4XX5-bXX9-5eXXXXXXXX83",
  "x-wx-gtrid": "7aXXXXa6-bXX5-6XX0-aXX8-bcXXXXXXXX6f",
  "attachment": [
      "templateType": "form",
      "payload": {
        "fields": [
            "name": "Name",
            "description": "enter name",
            "label": "Name",
            "type": "text",
            "mandatory": false
            "name": "Email",
            "description": "email",
            "label": "Email",
            "type": "email",
            "mandatory": false
            "name": "Gender",
            "options": [
            "description": "",
            "label": "Gender",
            "type": "dropdown",
            "mandatory": false
        "title": "Student Form"
      "templateId": "0W1XPWN2ND",
      "contentType": "template"
  "appId": "NEXXXXXX34",
  "x_msg_seq": 0,
  "serviceKey": "27XXXX75-eXX3-1XXe-aXX0-02XXXXXXXXd5"

In-App - Outbound Message Descriptions

The following table contains the parameter descriptions of outbound messages.

Field NameDescriptionsExampleEvent Type
transidUnique transaction reference id of the request.93XXXX0b-0XX0-4XXb-aXXd-37fXXXXXXX4dText, File, Postback, and Form Response
channelThis is “rt” in case of Live Chat and In-App Messaging.RTMCommon parameter for all outbound message types.
extrasContains the additional information like some user-specific property, or any custom parameter that is required to display the message in a certain fashion within the app{     
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"   
Common parameter for all outbound message types.
validateDestinationSystem Variabletrue/falseCommon parameter for all outbound message types.
dataIntegrationThe object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow and also app context object."dataIntegration": {    "context":
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"   
“appContext”: {
Common parameter for all outbound message types.
contextThe object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow."context": { 
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"   
Common parameter for all outbound message types.
serviceIdContains the unique reference id of the service.12345Common parameter for all outbound message types.
serviceNameContains the name of the service.My New ServiceCommon parameter for all outbound message types.
flowIdContains the unique ID for the flow.54321Common parameter for all outbound message types.
flowNameContains the name of the flow.Sample FlowCommon parameter for all outbound message types.
messagingAPIIndicates whether the request is sent through messaging API.true/falseCommon parameter for all outbound message types.
appContextThe object is added as key-value pair either by Data Stream admin or in flow.“appContext“: {
“key1”: “value1“,
“key2”: “value2“
Common parameter for all outbound message types.
priorityThis parameter is used to specify the message priority.1Common parameter for all outbound message types.
messageContains the text message sent by the user.Hi this is a LiveChat messageCommon parameter for all outbound message types.
userIdUnique identification number of the user.2480Common parameter for all outbound message types.
tidTransaction ID234XXXXX-dXXX-4XXX-9XXX-c4bXXXXXXX20Common parameter for all outbound message types.
threadidUnique identification number of the thread.12eXXXX26-9XX1-4XX7-bXXa-d9XXXXXXXX13Common parameter for all outbound message types.
clientUUIDContains the clients unique identification number.9eXXXX26-9XX1-4XX7-bXXa-d9XXXXXXXXbdCommon parameter for all outbound message types.
x-wx-gtridContains the global transaction ID between cross-products for a given request.d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9Common parameter for all outbound message types.
appIdContains the application IDa_63XXXXXXXXXXXXX000Common parameter for all outbound message types.
x_msg_seqThis parameter represents whether the request should process sequence or not.0Common parameter for all outbound message types.
serviceKeyUnique identification number for the service.02XXXXd0-5XX7-1XXd-bXX8-12XXXXXXXX6dCommon parameter for all outbound message types.
templateTypeContains the information about the template type.
Generic or Form
"templateType": "form",

"templateType": "generic",
payloadContains the information about the payload.payload": { "reference": "T-shirt options", "elements": [ //Maximum of 8 elements can be added. { "title": "Classic White T-Shirt", "subtitle": "Clothing", "imageUrls": [ //Maximum of 5 images can be added. "" ], "buttons": [ //Maximum of 3 buttons can be added. { "type": "webUrl", "identifier": "21221-323232-231212", "url": "", "title": "View Item", "payload": {} }
typeDefines the type of the button. In case of a quick reply, it should be quickReplyPostback.quickReplyPostbackQuick Reply
titleSpecifies the bubble title.Student FormForm Response