Delete Device App Profile

This API is used to delete the device profile from the customer's application profile (there may be more than one device for a customer that is using the application).


Know Your Endpoint

Based on the domain you use to log in to imiconnect, the endpoint for your API varies. See the endpoint section to understand which endpoint to use for your domain.


Cautionary Notice

Once a customer's device application profile is deleted, it cannot be recovered. However, customers can authenticate with the application using their customerid and have it re-linked to their profile.

This process is irreversible.


For data privacy and security reasons, the REST API is served over encrypted HTTPS. Standard HTTP is not supported.

Response Codes

The following are the response codes this method may return:

Response CodeMessageDescription
1000QueuedReturned when the request is queued.
7001Authentication failedReturned when an invalid service key or profile key is provided in the request.
7002Service Key MissingReturned when the parameter key is missing in the message request.
7003Mandatory parameters missingClick here
7010Source IP is not in the allowed listReturned when a request is sent from an IP that is not in the allowed list in Webex Connect.
7014app profile not foundClick here